African Empires

By navya
  • 300

    Silent Barter

    Silent Barter
    silent barter started occurring in Ghana:

    Silent barter is a trading process in which people exchange goods without direct contact. Silent barter allowed trade to performed in a peaceful manner and it would keep the location of gold mines a secret.
  • Jan 1, 1060

    Ghana Gets attacked!

    Ghana Gets attacked!
    Almoravids attacked Ghana. After 14 years of fighting, Ghana was defeated. The Almoravids didn’t control Ghana for long, but they weakened the empire. Many trade routes were cut off and new trading partnerships with Muslim leaders were formed during the rule of Almoravids. Without this trade, Ghana could not support its empire.
  • Jan 1, 1062

    Ghana Expands it's empire

    Ghana Expands it's empire
    The empire of Ghana reached its peak under the rule of Tunka Manin. He had a lavish court in which he displayed the wealth of the empire. He was the last emperor of Ghana and ruled
  • Jan 1, 1230

    Mali becomes an empire

    Mali becomes an empire
    According to legend, Mali’s rise to power began under a ruler named Sundiata. Sundiata conquered nearby kingdoms, including Ghana.
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Mali reaches it's peak

    Mali reaches it's peak
    Mali’s most famous ruler was a Muslim named Mansa Musa. Under his skillful leadership, Mali reached the height of its wealth, power, and fame.
  • Jan 1, 1324

    Pilgrimage to Hajj

    Pilgrimage to Hajj
    Mansa Musa made pilgrimage to Mecca for Hajj.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Building of an empire

    Building of an empire
    As the Mali Empire weakened in the, the people of Songhai rebelled and regained their freedom.
  • Jan 1, 1464

    A new ruler

    A new ruler
    Sunni Ali becomes ruler of the Songhai empire. He worked to strengthen, unify and enlarge the empire.
  • Songhai under attack

    Songhai under attack
    Moroccan army set out for the heart of Songhai