Adam J. Eichacker Timeline Career

By ae3139
  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    I plan on grauduating from McCook Central High Schhol in the year ot 2015. I hope that i am on the A-Honoral and have a GPA of 3.8.. I also Hope to have many proficencys from FFA and earn my State Degree.
  • First Day of College

    First Day of College
    I Hope to attent college at SDSU in Brookings. If I can keep up my work in Livestock Judging, they will give you a scholarship to their college so you can be on their Livestock Judging Team.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    At this time of my life, I hope to graduate from SDSU. I hope to be on the Dean's List because of my knowledge in agriculture.
  • First Day on the Job

    First Day on the Job
    I hope to be back on the farm and helping my dad with every little task that we do. Right when i get back i will not automatically own everything and over the next 7 years i will slowly start buy equipment from my dad and start to take it over.
  • Taking over the farm

    Taking over the farm
    After a quite a few years on the farm, i will finally own roughly all of the equipment and most of the land and cattle. When a farm switches owners, the transition is usaully very slow and gradual over 5 or 6 years because the equipment is so expensive.
  • Topping over 200 Bushels per acre

    Topping over 200 Bushels per acre
    This would a great achievement in Farming industry. Being able to succesfully grow over 200 bushels per acre would you on the top of the business.
  • Increasing my Heard

    Increasing my Heard
    I would like to someday have over 500 head of cattle in my heard and be able to calve them all out. The main reason that i would like achieve this is because the value of beef right now immense.
  • Retirement

    I think that it would be nice if i could hand the farm off to some of my children or grandchildren when I retire. I think that I would like to be a trucker when I retire because it would be a nice steady job that requires me not to be fit because i will be like 70.