Absolutism in Europe

By Hdavs
  • Henry VI - New King

    Henry VI - New King
    Henry VI inherited the throne as a Bourbon prince and a Huguenot. Since he knew that being Protestant and ruling a Catholic France, there would be many problems so he switched to Catholicism. Still wanting to protect his former Protestant mates he created the Edict of Nantes; it grantes religous toleration of Huguenots. Under his newly established royal bureaucracy, government reached every area of life and reduced noble influence. Later he was murdered on the belief that he was a fake Catholic.
  • The Early Stuarts- James I

    The Early Stuarts- James I
    The Stuarts of Scotland came into power after queen Elizabeth I died in 1603. James I became the first monarch from the Stuarts, he ordered that he would be the one collcted taxes and did so by diminishing Parliament's power, and obtaining absolute power.
  • Defenestration of Prague

    Defenestration of Prague
    Catholic officials came to Prague to declare that the Bohemians should no longer be Protestants but rather Catholic. The Bohemians were infuriated by this and thus, defenestrated them (threw them out the window). Inreturn, this began the 30 Years War in Europe. In the Holy Roman Empire religous differences became a problem. Under the Peace of Augsburg (1555), each ruler could choose between Lutherism and Catholicism as their territories religion, but competion for religion worsened.
  • 30 Years War

    30 Years War
    Catholics for the most part, were beating the Protestants throughout the war, the Danish King brought Denmark into the war so that they would clobber the Protestants and expand thier territory, and they did just that. Then, Gustavus Adolphus, the Swedish King, Brought his army into the war which turned the table for the Protestans helping them in favor of warfare battering the Catholics.
  • Cardinal Richelieu

    Cardinal Richelieu
    Henry VI dies and his nine year old son Louis XIII inherites the throne in 1610. In 1624 Louis appionts Richelieu as his chief minister, as that he vows to eliminate the noble's and Huguenot's power because they were the ones who wouldn't bow down to royal authority. He did so by defeating the armies and destoying the castles of the nobles, and smashed the cities of Hug. and outlawed their armies. Thus, stregthening the Bourbon monarch.
  • Reign of Charles I

    Reign of Charles I
    Charles I was the second ruler from the Stuarts and unlike James, he summoned Par. to help him raise taxes, but they ordered for him to first sign the Petition of Right (says the King may not raise taxes without the consent of Par or imprison anyone he felt like). Afterwards Charles dissolved the powers of Par again and "Long Par" happened from 1640-53 when he summoned them back. they were revolting against him so he imprisoned any memeber who disagreed with him, and reigned alone for 11 years.
  • English Civil War

    English Civil War
    Since Charles stated to arrest his most radical leaders a civil war broke out between the people of his country. It was between the Cavaliers, supporters of an absolute monarch, and the Roundheads, people who wanted to see a change in England. Oliver Cromwell organized "The New Model Army" which defeated the Cavaliers. For the first time in English history a king (CHarles I) was caught and had been put on trial anf found guilty by his own people. The war ended and the Commonwealth gained power.
  • Louis XIV

    Louis XIV
    Louis inherited the throne as a five year old,bruled for 72 years, and strongly belived in the "divine rights". He used many of France's resources into wars just to expand borders and dominate Europe, in return rival rulers joined together to check Frances's motives. His biggested mistake was revoking the Edict of Nantes, because 100,000 Huguenots fled France taking economic production with them, crippiling French progression.
  • End of the Years War/ Westphalia Treaty

    End of the Years War/ Westphalia Treaty
    The war took a stumendous toll on civilians well-being; because of the armies roaming through Europe they took whatever food they could find, causing famines and spreading diseases which killed many people. The Treaty of Westphalia was the officail end of the war. It reaffirmed the Peace of Augusburg but added Calvinism as a chioce of religion, gave recognition and demolished some states, but overall, made the involvement of religion unexsistant in European affairs for now on.
  • Life in the Commonwelath

    Life in the Commonwelath
    Puritans were given stirct rules on forms of entertainment. Civilians were subject to any law Cromwell manfested, thus giving him absolute power. Women started asserting their rights by saying that there should be love, fidelity, and rightfully marriage. After Cromwells death in 1658 the Puritians lost most of their power but still had influence on the Commonwealth.
  • Oliver Cromwell

    Oliver Cromwell
    England became a republic under the "Commonwealth" and Cromwell was the leader. Ireland started a rebeliion agaisnt him due to their support to Charles I. Cromwell banished all Catholis to the barrens of Ireland. Levellers, demanded that the poor should get as much say as everyone else, but the Gentry (dominators of Par) didnt like this and overruled this idea. Cromwell named himself Lord Protector.
  • Restoration

    Charells I borther, Charels II came into power in 1660 and believed in and absolute monarch and felt simpathy for the catholics., so he brought back the Church of England. James II came into power after him in 1685. Peopled feared that he would then restore the Roman Catholic Church. IN 1688 James' Protestant daughter Mary, and husband William, took the throne of England. This was the renewal odf the Stuarts reign.
  • Creation of Versailles

    Creation of Versailles
    Louis XIV created it outside of Paris because he wanted to seperate himself from the capitol. It was a monumetal achievemnet for his and showed his superiority.
  • Peter I

    Peter I
    After his uncle dies Peter and his half-brotherbecome co-Tsar of Russia, but his half-sister Sophia hates him and wants her brother to be ruler, and he does. After six years as Tsar Peter's half-brother dies and he becomes ruler. Instead of staying in Russia he chooses to raom Europe and see how other countires differ from his, and learned many things from the Dutch & English. He then enforces regulations upon appearence and how Russia must assimilate with the rest of Europe.
  • The Glorious Revolution

    The Glorious Revolution
    Mary an William forced James II to flee to France which was called the GLorious Revolution. Afterwards they had to sign the English Bill of Rights, which declared limited monarchy in England. Their Bill of Rights reflects ours since we tookit and branched off from it. then, only members of the Church of England could uphold public office. This changed up Englands rutheless monarchs and overall diminished their right to obtain absolute powers.
  • St. Petersburg, Russia

    St. Petersburg, Russia
    Peter I created this city surrounding the port he had just fought for, for many years. Forced labor created the city and during the process it killed over 50,000 workers. He mad this the capitol of Russia instead of Moscow. He ordered the most important people in russia to move there because they would be followed by many others, populating the new city. This whole acheivement showed his absolute power over Russia.