Absolute Monachs

By Waxcode
  • Feb 24, 1500

    Charles I of Spain is born

    Charles I is primarily known for opposing the protestant reformation. While he tried to look like a good leader, many people disliked him for the opposition of their religion.
  • Jan 1, 1522

    Charels I of spain outlaws Martain Luther

    Charles I was a strong follower of the Catholic church. He made efforts to prevent the protestant reformation, which all failed.
  • Jan 16, 1530

    Ivan IV is born

    Ivan IV turned Russia into a multiethnic state. However, he generally was not a nice person. For example, he burned printing presses to prevent the spread of religious texts.
  • Feb 21, 1558


    The Oprichnina is a period in Russian Ivan IV instituted policies of executions, confiscation, and more. This was to help Ivan's party continue to rule with fear, and without the people’s ideals in mind.
  • Sep 21, 1558

    Charels I of Spain dies

    Charles I made many efforts for his own good, and for his own ideals. He opposed many people in his endeavors to halt protantism.
  • Ivan Iv dies

    Ivan IV, is his reign, he created many policies the people did not condone. He made policies with himself in mind, and opposed differently minded people.
  • Louis XIV is born

    King Louis XIV ruled over france for over 72 years. he reigned for the longest of any king in a major European country. He attempted to destroy all remaining feudalism.
  • Peter I is born

    Peter the Great ruled Russia from 1721 to 1725. He revolutionized the empire in terms of culture and economics.
  • Period: to

    War of the Spanish Succession

    This war resualted in the death of Charels II of Spain, who was childless. Phillip, Duke of Anjou, second-eldest grandson of Louis XIV, inhereted the throne, extending the reach of France.
  • Louis XIV dies

    During Louis reign, he created a lot of policies for his own benefit. He also went against many previous customs, which had rarely been ignored before. This demonstrated his power as king.
  • Peter I dies

    Peter the Great reconstructed the economy and culture in Russia under his rule. He was a positive monach to Russia as a whole.