Finish my timeline
This is when I will finish my timeline for Mr. Gyptons Sophomore Economics class! :) -
Graduate from high school
This is when I will graduate from high school. I am hoping to graduate with a 4.0 GPA and receive a scholarship to any major university. -
Go to a community college.
This is when I will go to a community college. I will start off at a community college because this is the best way to get my basics out of the way and then go on to a university so I can get my major classes in there. -
Graduate from Community College
This is when I will graduate from a community college with just my basics out of the way. -
Go to a university.
This is when I will go to a University. I will have my basics out of the way and I can now go on to learn about my future career. -
Graduate from college
I will graduate from college with a doctorate's degree. This will allow me to be a full-time nurse at one of the highest paying wages. I still need to go through 4 1/2 years of internship. -
Start internship
This is when I will begin my internship. I will shadow a nurse that will tell me everything I need to know about being a registered nurse. This will take about 4 1/2 years. -
Finish internship.
This is when I will be finished with my internship. Internship for a nurse is about 4 1/2 years. -
Get first job as a registered nurse
This is when I will get my first job as a nurse. Since this will be my first job, I won't make very high pay. But, I will make enough money to where I can take care of myself livings wise. -
Full-time registered nurse
This is when I will be an experienced nurse. I will be making full-pay which would be about $80,795. This would be with a doctorate's degree.