
  • USB flash drive

    USB flash drive
    The inventor was Dov Moran that made this product. This invention had a huge impact on our lives because we were able to carry mobile storage unit. It help us move things faster if we wanted to save print, or share.
  • I pod

    I pod
    The I pod was invented by Steve jobs and the apple company. This invention made us be able to download music to listen to personally instead of having to use other sites to listen to much or listening to the radio all the time. So this was a way for us to listen to much on a device instead of paying or not being able to listen to your favorite songs, this made it do just that.
  • WII remote

    WII remote
    This was invented by Nintendo. This enhanced our lives by getting children that do play video games to become more active while playing video games instead of staying in one place they were able to interact with the video game themselves. It was supposed to make us more active while playing video games.
  • I phone

    I phone
    The I Phone was invented by apple. This phone enhanced our lives by making use able to use the I phone features like GPS I cloud and etc. Nevertheless it made it easier to carry this phone because we could use it like a laptop and were able to make calls faster with the touch screen effect and est faster to.
  • Amazon Kindle

    Amazon Kindle
    The Amazon kindle was invented by Jeff Bezos in November 2007. This had an significant impact in our lives if you are a reader because this made you have to stop going to the library and instead buy online books in which you can have to everywhere you go and read anywhere.