
  • My First Birthday

    My First Birthday
    I was born in paw paw MI at 10:56 pm
  • Period: to

    my life so far

  • learned to walk

    i was walking
  • First Word

    My first word was mom
  • First friend

    I had my first friend
  • Elemetery school

    just went to elemetry school
  • begining of new decade

    begining of new decade
    it's 2000 a new decde
  • Got my first dog

    MY first dog Mae was a border collie
  • U.S.A. is attacked

    U.S.A. is attacked
    The twin towers were attacked
  • MY Golden Birthday

    Its my golden birthday
  • hurricane katrina

    hurricane katrina hit the USA
  • saddam hussien

    he was exucuted
  • Virgina Tech Massacre

  • First african american president

  • Middle School

    joined middle school
  • got a new dog

    Got a new dog named tasha she is a shorkie
  • Mae Dies

    Mae dies :(
  • today

    Present time
  • wisconsen protester
