1.4 Evaluating Decisions

  • Personal Decision

    I made the decision to get a job over the course of last summer. I wanted extra money for myself and did not want to have to rely on someone.
  • Personal Decision

    Another decision I made was to not work during the school year. I chose to do this because I needed to focus on grades and I did not want an extra job to hinder my academics.
  • Effectiveness of each decision

    Both decisions I made were in my personal interest. “The objective of evaluating outcomes is for the decision maker to develop insight into the decision.”Excerpt From: “Making Healthy Choices.”pg10. I evaluated all of my options when looking for summer job, and one of the setbacks of getting a job was that I might not be able to keep it for school.
  • Evaluation

    “It can also be valuable for decision makers to step back and examine or appraise the process by which a decision was made. ”Excerpt From: “Making Healthy Choices”pg11. When school came around, I had to reevaluate my situation, and I stepped back to get a better look. I feel I made the best decision to not work and to focus on school.
  • Decision making process

    The decision to get a job was conversed with my family and friends to ask if that would be a good idea. I was the only one who would be affected by my decision, therefor I was the final decision maker. On the other hand, my decision to not work was also conversed by my family, but it was them who pushed the fact that my grades came first .
  • Did I make the right decision?

    I feel I made the right decision in both situations. In my choice to get a job I obtained my own money, and in my choice to not work I needed to focus on school to get ready for a tough year.