Year 7 Maths Lessons

  • We recognised nets of cuboids

    I found this easy.
  • we drew accurate nets of cuboids

    I understood this work fully.
  • we drew nets of cuboids for homework

    I found getting the measurements right hard because I did the wrong measurement for each side.
  • We reflected complex polygons in horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines.

    I almost completed both sides of the sheet, I practised drawing my own polygons and reflecting them. I understood how to do this.
  • We reflected polygons horizontally, vertically and diagonally in labelled lines of reflection.

    First we practised by reflecting shapes to make letters. Then we started to make a word out of polygons by reflecting them. At first I found this quite hard but I learnt from my mistakes and found it easier.
  • We enlarged shapes from the centre of enlargement.

    Me englarged shapes with different factors, such as 2 and 3. We englarged them from the centre of enlargement. I understood this because I answered the questions and got the right answer.
  • We englarged shapes with a fraction.

    We enlarged shapes wth a factor such a 1/2, this made them smaller. even though enlargement sounds as if it means making something bigger, it is also making a shape smaller.
  • We used enlargement to create a word.

    We enlarged lots of diferent shapes that connected together to make letters then an overall word.