Old Bricks With New Tricks (Project Journal) Created by Bulgarian, Czech, Turkish and Ukrainian teams
Creating of common plan with teachers
Questionnaire for teachers
We shared our plans and expectations for the future project -
Questionnaire for students
Our First Meeting
Ukraine: We met for the first time and created our team. We are crazy, Energetic and creative! -
We devided into groups
Ukraine: We devided into groups,according to our interests and joined various projects. -
Creation of video
Ukraine: We created video greeting for our partners.
(https://youtu.be/vzrgJTlLMcQ) -
The students from Bulgaria
Everybody is happy to be involved in their first eTwinning project -
Our first Padlet
Ukraine: We created Padlet about Zaporizhzhia to present ourselves to other teams.
(https://padlet.com/natalinka102006/qmmprtzwzrr5) -
The students from Bulgaria were invited to TwinSpace
Their accounts were created -
Facts about our school
Ukraine: We shared the most interesting facts about our school using Padlet. -
Ukraine: We thought of computer logo,paper logo and motto of the project -
We created our Logos
We used two different applications - wordart and canva -
Here we are
The Bulgarian students introduced themselves in the application Padlet
https://padlet.com/dessimindeva/Bulgaria -
Creating our logo
On ouy art lessons we created variants of our logo -
We learned info about our partners
Ukraine: We learned info about our partners and voted for the project logo and motto -
Video about Khortytsya
Ukraine: We shooted a a video about Khortytsya and other sights.
(https://youtu.be/eMZrrfDaHYI) -
We began our research
We began to search info about official state symbols. -
We consulted our teachers
We consulted our teachers of history and geography to get info about symbols. -
We practiced speaking skills
We practiced speaking skills and improve our team relaxation. -
We gave publicity in many ways
We created school board to disseminate info about our project. -
Infographics about coat of arms
We made infographics about coat of arms of Ukraine.
(https://www.canva.com/design/DADLB5KfOdk/7MxC-YmvkFjQi_CquJmA9g/edit) -
Online teachers' meeting
Presentation about coat of arms.
We created presentation and common Padlet about coat of arms.
(https://www.ourboox.com/books/coat-of-arms-ukraine/) -
Created our alternative coat of arms
We created our alternative coat of arms and explained the meaning of symbols to our partners -
Bulgarian students sent presents and postcards to our partners from the Czech Republic
postcards, candies and pens -
First online-meeting
First online-meeting with students -
International conference
We participate in international conference -
Online-meeting with Bulgarian students
The second online-meeting with... -
Creating Sutory presentation about Ukrainian Anthem,making word cLoud
Prepared presents for schools-partners
We wrote posters and prepared presents for schools-partners -
We learned Ukrainian carol and created video.
We learned Ukrainian carol and created video. -
Prepared presents for schools-partners
We send postcards for our partners -
Master class "Flower Poinsettia"
We created ART master-class for our partners and show it on our on-line meeting 19.12.2018
https://youtu.be/R4mSrdzX8Pc -
We meet online and sing together the carols.
We met online and sing together the carots.We greeted each other with New Year. we took part in workshop prepared by Svyatoshyn gymnasium -
We explorind Quiwer app
We use Quiwer app-the augmented reality for exploring European flags and presenting Ukrainian flag.And makind video for partners
https://youtu.be/kJMC0VnefeY -
Ancient Ukrainian carol research
We found interesting facts about "Carol of the BellS" which is considered the symbol of Christmas and tracked its roots to pagan song. It was discovered by M.Leontovych and presented in choral version. Step by step we also found modern versions of this carol perfomed worldwide -
Received presents trom our partners
We researched the history of our national flags
We found legends connected with the flag
We created surveys for our parthes with tricky guestions about the history of the flag
We tossed up and chose countries for poems exchange (St. Valentines Day)
We continued creating our common library and added all presentations to our common mediateque
We start to explore and present Ukrainian currency
Museum of coins https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1140355588828430337 -
We researched the history of our national currency(coins)
We visited at least one museum to see and found out more into about our coins in the past
Prepared spring presents for school-partners
We made ART master-class for partners https://youtu.be/yOplQc68btg -
We payed attention to all the details: symbols, size, metal and described it in common prezent
We created our online museum with real photes of exhibits
We created ART advent-calendar for Valentine's Day and presented for our partners
We prepared for bank visit and wrote questions for bank employees
We analyzed common features of all the flags
We analyzed common features of coins and banknotes of all the countries
Spring postcards from Bulgaria to Ukraine
We sent handmade postcards to our Ukrainian friends -
We visited our national bank and had exciting discussion of all tricky questions
We sent postcards for spring holidays
After Tossing we sent cards to Bulgaria -
We created common present and prepared spring cards to our partners
Augmented reality
The Bulgarian students used the app Quiver -augmented reality - to bring an extraordinary experience while learning other countries' flags -
We made Sutori presentation about Ukrainian Cultural Symbols