Written com, project

By madybox
  • Grandpa Box

    Grandpa Box
    When I was a little girl probabaly 5, I used to go over to my grandparents house all the time with my sister. My grandpa would set us on his lap and would read childrens books to us, most of them were aimed toward boy cousins like hunting and fishing but I don't think we really cared. He would sit each one of us on his lap and wrap his arms around us and hold the book in the middle so we both could see it, its not like we could really read all but we liked the picture
  • Library books

    Library books
    My mom got me my first library card and every week we would go to the library, this went on for quiet a bit. I would always get Clifford the Big Red Dog, Id get a few at a time and re read them once or twice before I had to give it back. But then eventually i stopped going to the library as a child and have never gotten a library card sense but now theres things like ebooks or books I find at book stores.
  • Teacher vs Student

    Teacher vs Student
    When I was little probably like 1st 2nd grade my cousin (who is very similar to me in age) Would always play games like house and school like normal little girls. I would always be the teacher because it was the easier part obviously, you get to be the boss. So I would make my cousin read things or do like 3 math problems nothing too extreme, but then I would pretend to grade them or she would read out loud. When it was my turn i'd be a brat and not read but I would do the problems.
  • No more recess

    No more recess
    When I was little I hated reading out loud. You know how when you're a kid they would make you go into the hallways and read a paragraph to the teachers so that they could see how well you're progressing or if you're not. Yeah I hate that. Reading out loud was not my strong point and still isn't. It makes me nervous it gives me anxiety I read faster or stutter because I'm so nervous. Well in second grade I got banned from recess for the rest of the day for not reading out loud and throwing a fit
  • My Beautiful Grandma

    My Beautiful Grandma
    My grandma used to write all the time, I don't know what but every time I went to her house there would be something written on paper on the counter. She had the most beautiful elegant cursive handwriting, even though sometimes I couldn't always read it, I always admired it. She used to write my grandpa love letters even after they had been married 20 years. I learned cursive writing in 2nd grade but my grandma helped me with it the most. But now my handwriting is a mix of cursive and regular.
  • My first play

    My first play
    I don't remember exactly what the play was about or what the play was called, but it was the first play I had ever done. I was in 4th grade and it was my first play I had ever done, I had a minor role but my speaking parts were lengthy. I was playing Aphrodite from the greek mythology gods, the goddess of love. I remember learning the lines being so complicated, I tried to memorize them all but I just ended up taping some to things used as props incase I forgot them.
  • My First Email

    My First Email
    I thought that the first time a made an email I was hot stuff, not sure why because who was I going to email at 12 years old. I just remember how embarrassing it was and how long I had, had that email before I changed it to something decent. I don't know why but my first email name was girlygirl some numbers @Gmail. I emailed two friends back and forth who also created their first emails, and I don't even remember what we talked about but it was pointless stuff we just got to email it was "cool"
  • My first love letter

    My first love letter
    Embarrassing enough my first love letter was not truly mine. My hand writing is so bad and illegible that for my first love letter I wrote when I was in 8th grade to an older guy, I actually made my friend write. Not like it was raunchy or anything but to be that embarrassed of my handwriting to make my friend write it, while I still there and tell her everything to say, is not the ideal way to go about it. But, long story short I wrote my I hate you letter with no problem.
  • The good sister

    The good sister
    One time, my sister got offered on a date with a really hot guy but she wasn't going to go because she had a huge essay to finish that she barley even started. I could tell she really wanted to go so I made a deal with her that I would finish her essay for her if she had to clean out my car for me and do whatever I asked for for a week. I actually was't awful to her, because her essay ended up being easy, it was something I had studied before. Long story she got a hot date and an B+ on her paper
  • My love

    My love
    During the winter or fall when its cold out one of my favorite things to do is be lazy. Lay around in a comfy sweater and sip on coffee or hot chocolate. My friend showed me a book she had been crazy about, she gave it to me to borrow, it was a small book of poetry only a few lines on each page. I fell in love with poetry after that, not long poems but a book of short poems is my preferred cup of tea.