Who am I?

  • Before Birth

    My mom and father dated for some time. They created me and lived with my grandmother. My mom said throughout her pregnancy my father was in and out of her life. Soon after my mom gave birth my dad skipped out of town. He never returned and that left me without a dad.
  • 2 years old

    My mom met someone else who soon took the father role in my life. I cannot remember life without him. As far as I was concerned, he was my biological dad. He was a great dad to me and an amazing spouse to my mom. My mom soon got pregnant again after they met.
  • 4 years old

    My mom and dad had my little sister, Lauren. She was born in July, i was so excited to have a sister. My dad also had two of his own kids that are not my mom's. My older step brother, Todd and my older step sister, Chelcie.
  • 8 years old

    Me and my older step sister did not like each other. We fought almost everyday, she did not want me as a sister for unknown reasons. We got into a heated fight one day and she blurted out that our dad was not my biological dad. Before this day i did not know that. I was beyond devastated and upset.
  • 10 years old

    I got into my first relationship at 10 years old. I didn't think i was too young mostly because he was older but it was. I was in this relationship for almost 2 years. I was physically and mentally abused throughout all 2 years. The relationship ended in our parents fighting and me, broken.
  • 12 years old

    I met a group of girls in 8th grade. We were all alike, bad. We would party every weekend. I started a bad smoking/drinking problem around this time too. My parents hated them and who I had become. The friendship ended in 10th grade and we all hated each other.
  • 13 years old

    I developed a bad habit, theft. I stole from family, friends, strangers, and stores. I went through multiple classes, therapy, and never ending punishment. My parents wanted to give me up at this time. This stage in my life ended with probation for over a year. I stopped for the most part after that.
  • 13 years old

    I met a boy also during this stage of my life. I was in 8th grade and he was in 10th grade. He was literally perfect to me. He knew everything that i was going through at the moment, he tried to make me better. He changed my views on life and how i handle myself. He relieved a lot of my mental struggles at that time.
  • 16 years old

    My boyfriend decided to enlist in the Army. He had to go away for a number of months. It was a really hard time in my life considering i have not been without him for 4 years but we got through it. In fact, our relationship strengthened.
  • 18 years old

    May 12th the day after my birthday, my boyfriend proposed to me. It was definitely a surprise but it does not change our relationship. We were already living a marital status without the title. I am now happily engaged to someone who changed me forever for the best. I cannot wait to start our family in July.
  • 17 years old

    I got pregnant with the boy who i have been with for over 4 years. We weren't sad or disappointed like i assumed would happen. Our parents were also very supportive of us and plan to help us with everything. Instead we took light of the situation and we are welcoming our son in the upcoming July.
  • Now

    All of the events in my life one way or another shaped me. My start to what i thought was life was terrible. I'm glad I got out of the horrible ways that I thought was ok. I am not perfect now and i am okay with that. I am looking forward to the life I will have in the future. My past has shaped me into someone who will remain metally stong through any thing that goes on in my life. I went through things I probably should not have, within this timeline and outside of it, but im doing well.