War of 1812

  • Impressment of Sailors

    The Impressment of Sailors were sending officers to board an American ship, inspect the crew, and seize the sailors who were accused of being deserters from British ships. This also led to a rise in tension between Britain and the thirteen colonies in the years that led up to the Revolutionary War.
  • Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality

    Before the War with Great Britain and France, President Washington proclaimed the U.S as neutral. Going Neutral kept the U.S out of a war they weren’t prepared for, nor did they have the money for it. Washington wanted to remain neutral because the U.S supported France, and not Britain because we didn’t have enough power to fight them.
  • Jay Treaty

    The U.S. and Great Britain signed Jay’s treaty in order to settle their issues which had still been unsettled since the American’s Independence. The British exports flooded the U.S. markets, while the American exports were blocked by the British. Jay believed that the British could seize the U.S. goods for France if they paid for them and could confiscate without payment on French goods on the American ships.
  • Washington's Farwell Address

    The purpose of Washington's Farwell Address was to serve as a guide to any future statecraft for the American public and any of his successors in office. The address was also to advise the citizens to view themselves as “a cohesive unit” and he strongly urged them to avoid political parties. Washington warned the people about the forces of geographical sectionalism, political factionalism, and interference by foreign powers in the nation's domestic affairs that threatened the stability.
  • Battle of Tecumseh(1)

    Tecumseh Was a Shawnee Native American Chief. During the Early 1800s he attempted to organize a confederation of tribes in order to stop whites from settling. During the war of 1812 Tecumseh and his followers joined the British to fight the U.S
  • Chesapeake- Leopard Affair

    The cause of the Chesapeake- Leopard Affair was caused by Impressment of the U.S seaman from the American ships by the British Naval, which created serious tension between the U.S. and Britain. The main point of this affair was to take revenge. The Chesapeake- Leopard Affair was a naval engagement off the coast of Norfolk, VA.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    The embargo act of 1807 was basically were American ships were prohibited from trading in all foreign ports. Impressment continued and the British showed no signs of wanting to improve relationships between their two nations. Jefferson wanted to maintain peace , so he supported the Embargo act. Changes to the Embargo Act was needed so Congress helped make the changes by passing the supplementary, additional(tightened the system by requiring bonds for foreign vessels.
  • War Hawks

    The War Hawks were a group of Republican Congressmen who demanded that the United States declare war against Great Britain, invade British, Canada, and expel the Spanish from Florida. The War Hawks wanted war so badly against Britain because of the expansion of territory.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    The War of 1812 was sparked by Britain’s War with France that was imposed on the U.S. which inflamed the U.S.’s relationship with Britain and France. Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality. The war of 1812 stretched from Europe to North America, to Asia; and as a result the war took over in North America. Impressment was were a nation would take men into military or naval forces by compulsion. This was also known as the press-gang which was used by a variety of nations in the 19th century.
  • Tecumseh(2)

    In the upper part of Canada, Great Britain and Tecumseh's people begin to engage in a battle with the U.S, which was called the Battle of Thames, which resulted in Tecumseh’s death. Tecumseh's death also caused the Native American confederacy to fall, forcing the Natives west, and out of the east and the Natives now had to fend for themselves against white settlement
  • Hartford Convention

    The delegates from Hartford, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont had a secret meeting to discuss their grievances about the ongoing war of 1812 and the political problems that were beginning to rise from the federal government power. The convention was also to protect New England’s and to supply financial aid to New England’s poor trade economy.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent ended the War of 1812 between the U.S and Britain. All the territory that was conquered by the nations had to be returned, and the commissions were planned to settle the boundary within the U.S and Candada. The Treaty of Ghent ended any hope that Britain had for claming territory that was lost during the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    The purpose for the Battle of New Orleans was for whether or not the British aggressors could capture New Orleans. The U.S. was under Andrew Jacksons command, and they were successfully able to rebel against the British army which was led by General Edward Pakenham. The Battle of New Orleans also labeled Jackson as a war hero.