
War of 1812 Timeline

By Tylax03
  • Cause of War.

    Cause of War.
    Based on events on November 21,1806. Napolean bonaparte sent a blockade of ships to hopefully damage the British trade system.This was because of the european war. Great Britain then decided to send orders that all neutral ships had to obtain a license before they could go and trade in Europe. Americans being neutral in the war lead to the British stopping American ships to trade in Europe. British would also search American vessels for illegal goods and deserters who left the royal navy.
  • The last straw.

    The last straw.
    The tensions rised even further when deserters from the royal navy joined the American navy. The captain of the cheasepeake (american 38-gun} in the American navy knew that there were deserters on board because the HMS Leopard a part of the royal navy tried to search their ship. The cheasepeake decided to reject them from boarding so the leapard attacked, killing three and injuring eighteen crew members. The British then boarded and killed 4 more men which outraged the Americans.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • The War began.

    The War began.
    President Madison declared war against the British. They planned their attacks on Upper Canada as they felt it was the most vulnerable. This is because the atlantic provinces were protected due to British sea power and Lower Canada was protected by the fortress of Quebec. Plus walking across Canada is a ridiculous idea. Only 1,600 British regulars were defending Upper Canada yet these soldiers were prepared mostly because of Major-General Sir Issac Brock, administrator of Upper Canada.
  • Sir Issac Brock

    Sir Issac Brock
    Sir Issac Brock had been preparing since 1807. He did this by reinforcing fortifications, training militia units and developed alliances with the First Nations. Brock, just like any other general, was not happy with the count of 1,600 soldiers at his disposal so he issued the First Nations to join in the fight against the Americans.
  • General William Hull

    General William Hull
    General William Hull and his men crossed from Detroit to Canada. This meant Brock marched his men from York to counter the invasion. After arrival Brock found that the Americans had already withdrawn back to Detroit.
  • Detroit Surrenders

    Detroit Surrenders
    Brock demanded that Hull surrender Detroit which the General actually did. This gave the British control of Michigan and Upper Missisippi.
  • Battle of Queenston heights

    Battle of Queenston heights
  • Attempt to retake Detroit

    Attempt to retake Detroit
    Another American army was lead by William Henry Harrison and it came from Kentucky to try and take back Detroit.One of their wings were badly broken by British Canadians and the First Nations lead by Lieutenant-colnel Henry Procter. After Brock's death, the British formed a new strategy to be defensive and allow the American invaders to slip up and make mistakes. Govener Sir George Prevost held his smaller forces careful to keep a strong defence in Quebec as well as sending reinforcements.
  • Invasion of York

    Invasion of York
    16 American ships invaded York, the Capital of Upper Canada. They burned down buildings and were stealing supplies for lake Erie. The British had left an unfinished warship at York. The Americans didn't realise until it had been to late and the building containing the warship burned down. This warship could have been used to take control of lake Ontario, as neither side had complete control over the lake.
  • Fort George

    Fort George
    The Americans left York and invaded Fort George near Niagra river. It wasn't until June 2nd where the Americans left Fort George to Burlington Heights after failing to defeat General John Vincent and his British army. Since the Americans didn't leave until June 2nd, it gave the British time to recover.
  • A bad month for America

    A bad month for America
    Laura Secord John Vincent's men attacked the Americans at Stoney Creek. The British managed to defeat the Americans and kill two American Generals. The Americans then fled towards Niagra. Later on in the month of June, The Americans lose again at Beaver Dams where 600 men were killed by the First Nations. As well as Laura Secord warned the British of an American attack. This saved the British from a horrible loss and allowed them to prepare.
  • Battle over Seas

    Battle over Seas
    The British and the Americans fought over seas but the naval supplies that the Americans obtained after invading York overwhelmed the British as they lost several senior officors. American Commandor Oliver Hazard Perry became the first person to ever defeat a whole British fleet.
  • Americans Control the upper Great Lakes

    Americans Control the upper Great Lakes
    After the events on September 10th The Americans took control of the upper Great Lakes and lake Erie became an American lake. The British left Detroit to Thames river where Harrison caught up to them and the exaughsted British and First Nations were split apart. This also lead to the death of the great Tecumseh. But Harrison could not continue his
    invasion as the Kentuckians went back to their farms so that they didn't miss harvest season.
  • Invasion of Lower Canada

    Invasion of Lower Canada
    The Americans tried to invade Lower Canada. Their invading armies outnumbered the British 10-1 and were led by Generals James Wilkinson and Wade Hampton. A force of the British and First Nations attacked the Americans under Lieutenant-Colnel Charles de Salaberry. These armies continued to battle until November 11th 1813.
  • The town of Newmark

    The town of Newmark
    After being hit with sickness, desertion, and departure of short-term soldiers, the Americans left Canada.Yet, while leaving they burned down the town of Newmark (Niagra-on-the-Lake). This caused the British to retaliate at Buffalo. These retaliation continued until the British burned down Washingon.
  • The battle of Lundy's Lane

    The battle of Lundy's Lane
    The Americans crossed into Upper Canada again from Buffalo over the Niagra River. On July 3rd, The Americans once again took control of Lake Erie and stopped an attack by the British under General Phineas Rioll at Chippawa. This lead to the battle of Lundy's Lane where both sides were to exhaughsted to continue so the battle ended in a stalemate.This brought the Americans back to Fort Erie
  • Lieutenant-General Gordon Drummond

    Lieutenant-General Gordon Drummond
    New British Commander, Lieutenant-General Gordon Drummond attacked the Americans at Fort Erie which withdrew the Americans from the Fort.
  • The Nation's Capital in flames

    The Nation's Capital in flames
    Little protection was at Washington as the Americans thought that the British were to target Baltimore. General William Winder of the American army only had 500 regulars at his disposal and they were quickly overwhelmed by the British. Knowing that the Americans were unprepared, the british marched 4500 soldiers to the capital as they plowed through the American defences. They burned the White House, the capitol building, the treasurer building and the navy yard as the americans fled.
  • The war in Upper Canada comes to an end

    The war in Upper Canada comes to an end
    The Americans left across the Niagra River, ending the war in Upper Canada
  • The Peace Treaty of Ghent

    The Peace Treaty of Ghent
    The Peace Treaty of Ghent was signed on Christmas eve in Ghent Belgium, to end the war of 1812, yet some British and American battles lasted until early 1815.
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans
  • The Final Battle

    The Final Battle
    Naval engagements at Fort Bowyer on Mobile Bay between the British and the Americans. The final battle between the se two nations.