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The War of 1812

  • President Madison takes office

    President Madison takes office
    When Madison took office in 1809 tensions were high with Great Britian. Americans were mad at Britain for arming native americans in the northwest. The british were also sezing american saylors and forceing them to join the british navy.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    The term war hawk means people who were eager for war with britain. In 1810 Henry Clay of kentucky and John C. Calhoun of South Carolina, became leaders in the House of Representitives. They wanted war with britain and there supporters were war hawks.
  • Relations with Great Britain Worsen

    Relations with Great Britain Worsen
    Relations worsened with Britain stedily in the early months of 1812. Britain told the United states that they would continue impressing sailors. In june congress declaired war on Great Britain.
  • Congress Declares War on Britain

    Congress Declares War on Britain
    In june 1812 Congress declaired war on Britain. Britain had pushed America too far. War came at bad times for both Countrys for America we had a weak milatary and only 16 Warships. For
    Britain they were already at war with Europe and needed time to resuply.
  • America is not ready for War

    America is not ready for War
    America was not ready for war with britain. We had a weak army at the time because jefferson olmost cut our milatary in half during his presidency. We only had 16 warships ready.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    In july 1812 britain came from ships and blockaded most of the american ports.They had 135 warships blockadeing the american ports.they were able to lose off all american ports at wars end.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    Even before the war, war hawks were demanding an invasion canada. So in july 1812 General William Hull invaded canada. But he was unsure he had enough soldiers to be sucessful,so he retreated. But 2000 american troops were captured when he retreated. It was a bad loss for america.
  • USS constitution scores a victory

    USS constitution scores a victory
    A major sea batle was fought at the begining of the war. The USS constitution scored a victory over the guerriere in a feirce battle. The ship was nicknamed old iron sides because british artilery would just bounce off the ship.
  • Second Battle of Sackets Harbor

    Second Battle of Sackets Harbor
    Sackets harbor is located on lake Ontario. It was the ground for the second Battle Of Sackets Harbor. In that very battle there were 307 losses of Americans and 265 losses of British troops. It was a land and navel battle. In the end america won that battle.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    A three hour battle took place in lake erie in september 1813. In the battle the american flagship was badly damaged so commander Oiver Hazard Perry, switched to another ship and continued the fight until it had won. Perry anounced his victory by saying "We have met with the enemy and they are ours".
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    As the british were retreating into canada americans under the command of William Henry Harrison followed them into canida and had another battle. This battle was known as the battle of thames. It was an important victory for the americans.
  • Battle of Hourshoe Bend

    Battle of Hourshoe Bend
    In the summer of 1813 creek warrors had attacked sevral american settlements. In march 1814 Andrew Jackson defeated the creeks in the battle of horseshoe bend. The treaty that ended the fighting forced the creeks to give up millions of acres of land to america.
  • Battle of Fort Oswego

    Battle of Fort Oswego
    The battle of fort oswego was a sucessful raid on an american fort and village in May 1814. It took place in oswego in 1814. It was lead by George Mitchell for america and James Lucas Yeo for british. In the end the british won but the fort still stands.
  • Washington, D.C Attacked & Burned

    Washington, D.C Attacked & Burned
    In august 1814 , a british force marched into the city. The british set fire to many important government builings including the white house. The american army could not defend washington D.C from this attack.
  • Attack on baltimore

    Attack on baltimore
    After attacking washington D.C the british moved to baltimore for another attack. There first objective was Fort Mc Henry which defended the citys harbor. British warships bombarted the fort through out the night. In the morning the american flag was sstill on the fort, they had beaten off the attack.
  • The writeing of the Star Spangled Banner

    The writeing of the Star Spangled Banner
    On the back of an old envelope Scott Key wrote a poem titled the Star Spangled Bannor. It told the story of his night watch. It became popular and was set to music. In 1931 it became the national anthem of the Unitted States.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    Battle of Plattsburgh
    A British army lieutenenant name George Dpwnie attacked the american lakeside town of palattsburgh on september 11th 1814. But american troops were already there waiting for them Lead by Macomb. In the end Macomb sucessfully defended Plattsburgh from the attack. George figured out that even with plattsburgh he needed control of the lake to sent supplys there. They fled into canada.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    By 1814 both sides were tired of war. Peace talks began in ghent belgium. The Hartford convention was a convention where the british came to descuss the war. They finally agreed to make peace.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    On christmas eve 1814 the 2 sides signed the treaty of ghent. This treaty ended the war. The treaty reterned things to the way they were before the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    In january 1815 Genral Andrew Jackson wo a stunning victory over the british at the battle of new orleans this was the last and final battle of the war. Wining the war set the United states confedence to a new level.