war of 1812

  • battle of tippacanoe creek

    us had 1000 men at prophets town. prophets town Indiana the British supplied Indians with guns and amunition
  • president Madison offers deal to France and great brittan

    if they agree to cease attacking us ships then the us will stop trading with their enemy.
  • oliver hazard perry seized lake from brittish

    Oliver hazard Perry was ordered to seize lake Erie from British. he did and now lake Erie is under american control.
  • battle of Thames river

    Tecumseh was killed. the Americans also attacked York town (current day Toronto).
  • British attack Washington dc and burn the capital and the white house

  • attack on wahington dc

    British sailed into Chesapeake bay. their destination was Washington d.c they burned down the white house and the capital
  • deafeat of napolean

    general sir George led more than 10000 men into new York. fearing the Americans would surround them the British retreated into canada.
  • battle of new orleans

    the British attacked new Orleans. Andrew Jackson troops won the war within half an hour.
  • British attack baltimore

    after the British had attacked Washington dc they moved on to Baltimore. this when Francis Scot key wrote the star span-gelled banner