Use of Technology

By cheimer
  • Smartboard

    I have been fortunate to have had the luxury of having a Smartboard at my disposal for teacher and student use since I began my student-teaching and into my first years of teaching. Having access to such a device that makes learning interactive and tangible is such a benefit for myself and students alike.
  • My first experiences...

    My first experiences...
    Within my education career, I have found a lot of opportunities to coach football. During the course of a season, there are countless hours spent watching film for team and personal use. In my experiences, I came across a software called HUDL, that allows for coaches and players to share notes, firms, highlights, etc.
  • Tablet to the rescue

    Tablet to the rescue
    During the course of my 2nd year, all the teachers at my school received a new IPad that was purchased by our PTO for educational use in the classroom. While I could always use more for literacy and math stations that take place on a daily basis in my classroom, I am thankful to have the ability to assess, record, and track data through many different applications on the device.
  • Tech for Students

    Tech for Students
    While we are not a 1-to-1 school, our elementary teachers have continuous access to four different computer carts at our school. While the sharing and scheduling of these carts has its obvious drawbacks, the students are able to access endless opportunities for research, gaming, presenting, and recording.
  • We can see...

    We can see...
    While I was taking full advantage of downloading and uploading specific content unto my desktop and smartboard to expose to my students, I was still struggling with the presentation and administration of hard copies. Enter the document camera. Now, I am able to walk through any and all documents with my whole class.
  • Math Curriculum

    Math Curriculum
    In 2015, I was able to start accessing my curriculum directly from the online producer. While I'm now teaching multiple subject through online curriculum resources, math, science, etc. I am hoping for more. These resources are great for partnering with the hard-copy manuals and texts that I receive to teach from. As I get more familiar with these online resources, I find myself teaching more from this platform than my manuals because of the the easy-access.
  • Behavior Tracking

    Behavior Tracking
    So long to marking check and warnings when a students isn't following expectations. The implementation of software such as class dojo into my classroom in 2016, allowed for me to track and record behavior data to reference to students and parents alike.
  • More EDU

    More EDU
    In 2016, I ventured into my current master's degree program, in hopes of growing in my technology use. In taking courses in an exclusively online program, allows for me to spend a generous amount of time working with new forms of technology. Through my courses, I continue to become more aware of what's out there that can not only benefit me, but more importantly my students.
  • Google is King

    Google is King
    This past school year, our district decided it was beneficial to make a universal switch to google products to be used by it's employees. While the process start slow a couple years ago with the implementation of gmail; google docs, classroom, drive, calendars, slides, etc, are now expected to be supported by tech. teams, and used by teachers in the classroom on a daily basis.