Unit 5 Timeline

  • The begining the the Qing Dynasty

    The begining the the Qing Dynasty
    After the Mandate of Heaven ended for the Ming Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty rose up and was won of the most influential, and last, Dynasties in China.
  • Kangxi Comes into Power

    Kangxi Comes into Power
    The second ruler of the Qing dynasty and one of the two Emperors that made the Qing such a great and important time in history, with a great economy, politics, and culture.
  • Qianlong Comes into power

    Qianlong Comes into power
    The grandson of Kangxi, and another one of the best rulers of the Qing. He was a strong leader who increased national wealth via foreighn trade and rice production also increases during this period helping to feed the rapidly growing population.
  • Industrial Revolution Begins

    Industrial Revolution Begins
    The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britian because it had an abundance of natral resources, money, and people. This revolution sparked would soon spark a world wide advancement.
  • James Hargreaves invents the Spinning Jenny

    James Hargreaves invents the Spinning Jenny
    In 1764 James Hargreaves invented the Spinning Jenny. This allowed weavers to double their productivity. One man could to the work of eight people at one time thanks to the Spinning Jenny.
  • Crisis in France

    Crisis in France
    Excessive spending and an extremely low harvest lead to an economic crisis in France. There was an extreme lack of bread, and while tat may not sound like a big deal, bread made up about 85% of their diets and people were starving on the street.
  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath of 1789 was was the demand of a constitution. People of the third estate were locked out of the tennis court where a meeting was held for voting, the people of the third estate vowed to remain outside the doors until a constitution was written. This made the people of the third estate, who made up nearly 98% of the population, realize their power against other estates when all together. Once the third estate found their powers a revolution was bound to happen.
  • The Storming of Bastille

    The Storming of Bastille
    The Storming of Bastille was caused by the people of the third estates great anger toward the way they were being treated. After coming together to get the Tennis Court Oath signed, the people of the third estate realized their great power when all together. They then marched into Bastille, an old prison where weapons were being held, and began to revolt. This was the start of the French Revolution.
  • The Great Fear

    The Great Fear
    The execution of the King and Queen caused the peasent to revolt against the parliment, and people were afraid to leave their homes.
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The Declarion of the Rights of Man wa a fundamental document defining individual and collective rights of French Revolution, addresses neither women or slave status.
  • King Louis the XVI is executed

    King Louis the XVI is executed
    On the 21st of January, 1793, King Louis the XVI was executed. King Louis was killed by a guillotine during the French Revolution. King Louis's execution allowed the people of France to take the country from it's monarchy.
  • Robespierre's Reign of Terror

    Robespierre's Reign of Terror
    So many folks were victims of the guillotine, and there was a ton of political unrest, these folks were craycray.
  • Napolean is named first Consul

    Napolean is named first Consul
    The coup d'état is when Napolean threw out the Director and replaced him with the french consulate.
  • Colonial Imperialism (West Africa)

    Colonial Imperialism (West Africa)
    This imperialism resulted in the colonialization of West Affica. Colonial imperialism took over Africa's economy, politics, and social changes.
  • Slave Trade is banned in Britian

    The slave trade act was passed on March 25th, 1807. This act banned the tading of slaves in Great Britian, although it did not ban slavery in the country. It was believed that the ending of slave trading would be the end of slavery all together, although it contined on for several years.
  • Napolean is defeated in Waterloo

    Napolean is defeated in Waterloo
    Napolean is defeated when he goes to Russia because he was not prepared for the extreme weather conditions and the boots of his troops fell apart.
  • Napolean is exiled to St. Helena

    Napolean is exiled to St. Helena
    After losing the battle in Russia, Napolean is exiled disgracefully to St.Helena, while his family was in refuge.
  • Opium War

    Opium War
    When Europe was scrambline for goods to trade with China in order to get their fancy china porcelain plates, they turned to Opium. (The drug used to make heroin). And before long many people in the empire were addicted, causing major problems, and eventuallly leading to a war.
  • Crimean War

    Crimean War
    Russia lost to the Ottomans after they recieved help from the British and French to fight a mutual enemy. "The enemy of my Enemy is a friend of mine."
  • Serf Emancipation in Russia

    Serf Emancipation in Russia
    About 500 years after the rest of the world abolished serfdom, Russia finally gave in, and the fuedalist society finally ended.
  • Maiji Restoration

    Maiji Restoration
    The Maiji Restoration Started in Japan when the country began industrializing, following the plan and pattern of Great Brittan. In this period, much happened on this small island state, beining with the end of the Shogunates and Samuri, and in with western weapons and techniques.
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    The fast industrialization, and extreme lack of land lead European countries to devide up the land for resources with out any consideration of the "Sub Human" people that inhabited the land.
  • Sino-Japanese War

    Sino-Japanese War
    This was the beginning of imperialism for for Japan, with their growing industrialization and severe lack of resorces, it was neccisary for Japan to find away to get more resorces.
  • Ottoman Decline

    The Ottoman empire begins to fall because they are no longer able to keep up the industrail revolution and growing advancements around them.
  • Russo- Japanese War

    Russo- Japanese War
    Japan attacked and beat Russia in a very suprising loss for Russia, due to the fact that russia is like 100 times the size of Japan. But Japan was able to go for the win due to the serious lack of technology and industrialization in Russia.
  • Revolution of 1905 in Russia

    After years of political trouble in Russia, a revolution broke out that led to the introduction of the constitutional Monarche.
  • Fall of the Qing

    This was the end of the last Dynasty and thus it was a very important time in history for china, because for thousands of years this type of government has helped the large land prosper.