
Unit 4 Timeline

  • Period: Nov 20, 1299 to

    Ottoman Dynasty

    The Ottoman dynasty was founded by the Turkish under Osman Bay in north Anotolia. The Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful empire in the world at its time, controlling much of Southern Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. When the Ottoman empire conquered Constinople, it creaded trade links to Asia. That caused Europeons to seek trade routes east by sea and sparked a reason for exploration.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1375 to

    Songhai Empire

    The Songhai empire was the largest empire that came from Africa. The Songhai empire came after the Mali empire was over run. Later on in the empire, came a bureaucracy that was established that connected Africa to the Muslim world. The trade of salt, salt and slaves contributed with the develoment of the triangular trade.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1394 to Nov 20, 1460

    Prince Henry the Navigator

    Henry was the prince of Portugal who sent out expeditions to the West African coast. The expeditions further helped to the advances of navigation and the study of geography of the African outline. Prince Henry sent out more than 50 expeditions but never went himself. This made Portugual the most advanced culture in Navigation for its time. The expeditions stopped with his death.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1398 to Nov 20, 1469


    Moctezma took power in 1440 and became the king of the Aztec Empire. Under his rule, the Aztecs gained alliances with the neighboring cultures to for the Triple Alliance. Also he extended the Aztec borders to the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Nov 20, 1401

    Portuguese Slave Trade

    Portuguese Slave Trade
    The first culture to engage into the trade of slaves new world. The Portuguese would travel to Africa and take Africans that would be traded for items suce as gold, coffee, tea, tabacco, and cotton. Then after the slaves would be traded, they would be shipped to the Americas. This caused the west coast of Africa to be a major trading centor that assisted into the creation of the Triangle trade.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1450 to

    The Columbian exchange

    The columbian exchange was the trade of plants, animals, culture, diseases, and ideas between the Americas and Afro Eurasian Hemisphere. The over sea trade between the new world and the old world contributed to population growth in both region. Some say the Comumbian exchange began with Columbus discovering the Americas.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1451 to Nov 20, 1481

    Reign of Muhmed the Conqueror

    Mehmed the conqueror was the Sultan of the Ottoman empire. Under Mehmeds rule, he conquered Constantinople and brought an end to the Byzantine empire. He devoted alot of himself to stregnthen the Ottomans Navy.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1464 to Nov 20, 1492

    Reign of Sunni Ali

    Ali was the first king of the Songhi empire. Under Ali's rule, the empire conquered many cities and towns, expanding the songhi borders. The Songhi empire surpassed the Mali empire. Ali's death was the same year of Columbus' first voyage.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1483 to Nov 20, 1546

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther was the founder of the Protestant Reformation and the author of the 95 thesis. Luther wished to cleanse the church of its wrong doing but instead only caused tension with the church and the people. Luther was orgionally a monk at a church until he noticed that the church was doing something not of the bible. Pope Leo the fieth saw Luther as a treat to the Church so he banded Luther from the church.
  • Nov 20, 1487

    Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean

    Dias' voyage into Indian Ocean
    Dias was the first Europeon to travel by sea around the Cap of Good into the Indian Ocean. But after Dias sailed past the Cap of Good, he faced typhoons and huriccans so his crew forced him to sail back to the southern coast of West africa.
  • Nov 20, 1492

    Columbus' first voyage

    Columbus' first voyage
    Columbus came from Spain, and the main objective was to find a faster way by sea to East Asia. Columbus sailed with three ships to find a faster route to East Asia but instead of finding East Asia, he accidently landed in Caribbean island. After finding out the island was not East Asia, he sailed out again. He coninued along the Caribbean islands and eventually sailed back to Europe. The discovery of the New world began a huge chain of event with the new world and the old world
  • Period: Nov 20, 1501 to

    Safarid Empire

    The Safarid empire covered all of Iran, parts of Turkey, and Georgia. The empire was Shi's Isalm and all other forms of Isalm were demolished. The empire was strong enough to challenge the Ottoman empire and the Mughal empire. The Saforid empire was in the middle of the Ottoman and Mughal empires so Saforid empire was the center of trade.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1519 to Nov 20, 1521

    Spanish conquest of Mexico

    In 1519, Cortez landed on Mexicos gulf with 11 ships 550 soldiers and 16 horses. Cortez leading the Spanish conquest, conquered all of the Aztecs with advanced weapons and animals that were unknown to the natives. This caused the almost extention of the Aztecs and also began colonization in Mexico.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1520 to Nov 20, 1566

    Reign of Suleyman the Magnificent

    Suleiman was the tenth Sultan of the Ottoman empire. Suleiman reconstructed the legal system of the empire and became the head of the millatary, political, and economic powers. Suleimans fleets dominated from the mediterrean to the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Using his superior naval fleet, he took over many African ports. He led many campains againist the Portuguese to establish trade with India.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1526 to

    Mughal Dynasty

    The Mughal dynasty is the Mulsim rule over northern India. The Mughal emperors are direct descendants of Ghenis Khan. This dynasty was a time of cultural, economic, and religious harmony. Near the end of the dynasty rule, the empire controlled one forth of the worlds population. The Mughal dynasty was influenced of over seas trade with Africa and East Asia.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1545 to Nov 20, 1563

    Council of Trent

    The council of Trent was a council in Italy/Trent of the Roman Cathlotic church. The council was constructed to counter the Protestant Reformation. The council was under Pope Paul the third and two other popes. The only people who attend the council of trent was by bishops who made the popes ideas more clear. The council of trent ended when the Roman Catholic Church finalized all the churches ideas of religion that countered most of Luthers 95 thesis.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1556 to

    Reign of Abkar

    Akbar was 14 when he came to power in 1556 of the Mughal Empire. By the 16th century, he ruled the largest army in Mughal history. Abkar had acess to the Gulf of Cambay, that gave Abkar opportunities for trade with the Portuguese and the Ottoman empire.
  • Period: Nov 20, 1564 to

    Galileo Galile

    Galileo was an Italian astronomer and philospher that had a very sighificant impact in the Scientific Revolation. Galileo Galilei accomplishments inculded the invention of the telescope, the discovery of Jupiters moons { call the Galilean moons in his glory}, the first person to look at the moons cratory, and also discovered the Sun was the center of the Universe. The idea that the sun was the center of the universe and not the Earth, caused tension with the Christian Church.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    Tokogawa shogunate was a fedal regime of Japan and was founded by Ieyasa Tokugawa. Tokugawa Japan was Neo Confucanism and came the idea of samuri. Ieyasu when he was in power, reunited Japan that displayed a time of prosperity and peace. Europe sent Christan missionaries to convert Japan to Christian. This upset Ieyasu so Christianity was banded in Japan so this made Japan not wanting to trade with Europe.
  • Period: to

    Thrity years of war

    The Thirty years of war began when Calvinist demanded to be recongized from Luthereans and the Roman Catholic Church. A good portion of the population went down due to the fighting and disease. As a result of the war, modern day Germany was slpit into several territories and the Holy Roman Church lost power. The war ended with the signing of the Peace of Westphalia.
  • Period: to

    John Locke

    John Locke was an English philosopher and physican that was one of the greatest enlighened thinkers durring the Rennisances. John locke came up with the idea of individualism and can be linked to the creation of the Declaration of Independance and the French Parliment.
  • Period: to

    Monchus empire

    The machus empire was parts of an indugenous people of China. The muchus people conquered China and established the Qing dynasty.
  • Period: to

    Qing dynasty

    The Qing dynasty came after the Ming dynasty. The Qing dynasty controlled Manchuria, Mongolia, Turkestan and Tibet. Trade with Portugal was incredible important, European tried to send missionaries to China with little sucess.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Peter ruled the Tsardom of Russia and later the Russian empire. With many conquest that expanded the empire, they became great in power through out Europe. He also caused a cultural revolation that brought Russia to modern systems. He took over the Black Sea from the Ottoman dynasty and established a Navy base.
  • England Glorious Revolation

    England Glorious Revolation
    The Glorious revolation was the remove of power of king James the second in England. The revolation was led by William the third and his Dutch army and navy. William's army invaded England by land and sea, in the end William siezed the throne. The revolation was mostly religion based. The revolation began a new kind of parliament with England.
  • Period: to

    Russian empire

    The Russian empire was established an empire that stretched from eastern Europe across Asia and to North America. The empire was one of the largest empires in history. The empire was ruled by absolute monarchy until WW 1. Trade with the Americas was really close and had direct interactions with the colonies. After the American Revolutation, Great Britian had to go to Russia for trade.