Timeline Project Psych 229

  • Parents Marry

  • Period: to


    Mom & Dad got married Dec. 14, 1976.

    I was born January 16 1978, after a huge record breaking snowstorm, which was not broken till Jan this year!
  • Born

    I was born during a record breaking snow storm! Thre record hadn't been broken till this January!
  • Period: to

    The First Two Years

    I had cast on both my feet (at seperate times!) from 9 monthe to 1.5 yrs to correct a pigeon-toe problem. My 1st word was Da-Da! My parents worked oppisite shifts so I wouldn't have to be with a setter. I spent most of my awake time with Dad.
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    Early Childhood (2-6 yrs old)

    At the age of 4 I eas diagnosed with low blood iron (after going thru test for leukemia) and was prescibed speacial Iron supplements. One day I climed the onto the counter and into the cabinate and ate the whole bottle! Yummy Grape! I had an imaginary friend during this time, his name was Dewy and he lived in our attack! My mom would set a plate for him for dinner! My sister was born when I was 3.5 yrs old, she was a pain in the butt!
  • Sister Born

  • Ate a bottle of Vitamins

  • Started School

  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood (6-11 yrs old)

    i Began playing softball at the age of 10! During second grade i was tested several times and it was discovered that I had a very high IQ! My parents seperated from each other for almost 2 years during this time. We stayed with mom and had occasional visits from Dad.
  • Tested for high IQ!!

  • Started playing Softball

  • Period: to

    ADOLENSCE (11-18)

  • Ahhh...Puberty Hits

    I got my period this year and it caused me to be violently ill for 3 days. It took the doctor a year to find something to help control the illness. so for that year I had to plan once a month to be violantly ill and not have anything going on.
  • The drive for College begins!

    School becomes a big focus as the drive to get intomy college of choice begins.. this last for all 4 years of High School. During this time I took the ACT test and scored very well, I also got early acceptance to my #1 college choice Georgetown University. Waitlisted for #2 UofM Ann Arbor and accepted to #3 UofM Dearborn.
  • Parents Divorce

    My parents divorce thrust me into a role I was not expexting at the age of 17...ADULT! I had to take on adult responsibilities, like paying bills, balancing household accounts, and working full time. i also made the choice not to go away to college (Georgetown) at this time because of the obligations I felt I had at home.
  • Period: to


  • Working that Brain!

    Did some major research on the death penalty for a school project the information I gathered was then used by the State Representive I was interning for during a debate on reinstating the Death Penalty her in Michigan!
  • Cancer

    At the age of 22 I had surgary to remove a massive amount of Cerviacl Cancer cells and then had complications. This was a very scary and life changinging event, as I was told the possibility being able to carry a pregnancy was lower and I wouldnt know if I was able to till I actualy got pregnant, which is heartbreaking to someone who wanted lots of kids.
  • Marriage!

    Got Narried, which was a big adjustment for this freedom loving gal! I married someone who grew up with very tradional parents, Mom cooked and cleaned, Dad went to work and fixed stuff! whereas at my house my dad went to work and cooked and mom fixed stuff inside and mostly outside! also for the previous 6 yrs it was a fend for yourself environemnt and I married someone whio expected me to cook and clean for HIM!...
  • Period: to


  • Birth of first child!

    Yea! My son was born and has ruled my life ever since!
  • Period: to

    Great socioeconomically!

    We're at a very good socioeconomic place right now. While we have stressor like an adolscence child, sick parent, and Nursing school, we have no finiacial worries and no worries about my husband losing his job anytime in the future.
  • Mom gets sicker.

    Im am now part of the care sandwich! Im taking care of my child and my terminally ill mother (all while in Nursing school) this is a very stressfull time in that resoect.
  • Started Nursing School

    Going back to school at the age of 36 is tough! Lots of studying going on and not as fast as I used to be!
  • Period: to

    Plan to move to Denamrk

    but only for 3 years! b/c after 3 years you have to start paying taxes at their rate (52%)

    Retirement... I'll be 59 my husband will be 60, our son will be out of college and the world will be our oyster... As We'll be living at the beach someplace where its sunny and 75 all year!!
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  • Late adulthood Biosocial

    I hope to be active during retirement! Snokeling, surfing, swimming, and hanging out at the beach!
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  • Late Adulthood Cognetive function!

    I hope to have my wits about me when I reach this phase in my life!! I'll enjoy reading everyday for PLEASURE, spending time with my grandkids and teaching them things.
  • Late Adulthood Psychosocial

    at this pont in my life I'll be hanging around being a nusience to my son! Spoinling grandkids! and my Husband will probably be that cranky old guy (because we'll be living at the beach down south and he wants to retire to a cabin up north!!) spending time with my family wether it be at home or taking the grandkids on wonderful trips around the world, will be a prioty to me.
  • Period: to


    I'm optimistic that I will reach the ripe old age of 100!

    When it comes to the actual dying, it is my greatest hope that I live a long life and go to bed one night and not wake up the next day...

    But if I get some type of terminally illness i fully plan to take matters in my own hands, and not suffer or put my family thru a long illness. But i will go out in style, A red Ferrieri (rental!!) over a cliff in Hawaii. That would be my "Death with Dignity"