Timeline Project

  • Chapter 2: From Conception to Birth

    Chapter 2: From Conception to Birth
    A.P.G.A.R. Scale: Quick assessment of newbon’s heart rate, breathing muscle tone, color, and reflexes Personal Example: After I was first born I weighed 6 pounds and 5 ounces. I was not but I was not tha small either. When I asked my mother about my A.P.G.A.R. Score it turns out that my score was 10. I scored perfectly in all my test. The doctors told my mom that I scored high for a baby that small.
  • Chapter 1: The Science of Human Development

    Chapter 1: The Science of Human Development
    Cohort: people are born witin a few years of you. Personal Example: You know how siblings are usually born within a few years of each other. My family is a little different. I have two older siblings and they are both years older than me. My brother is 17 years older than be and my sister is 5 years older that’s my brother.
  • Chapter 5: Early Childhood: Body and Mind

    Chapter 5: Early Childhood: Body and Mind
    Overimitation: Tendancy of children to copy an action that is not a relevant part of the behavior to be learned. Personal Example: In this picture I am copying my father even though I would mostly copy my mothers actions. Even as I got older I always copied my mother because she was a nurse so I would put on her clothes and would pretend to be her while I was playing with ther stethoscope.
  • Chapter 3: The First Two Years - Body and Mind

    Chapter 3: The First Two Years - Body and Mind
    First Words: At about 1 year, babies speak a few words Personal Experience: When it came to my first words I was a late bloomer. I did not really start talking on time like the other kids were doing. By the time I took my first words I was one and a half years old. To help with my speaking/vocabulary my mother had to put me into speech to help with my speaking skills. After that I excelled over all the other children. I was doing so well my teacher thought that I should skip a grade.
  • Chapter 4: The First Two Years: The Social World

    Chapter 4: The First Two Years: The Social World
    Proximal Parenting: Caregiving practices that involve being physically close to the baby, with frequent holding touching Personal Experience:Throughout my life so far my mom has always been the proximinal parenting type. I say this becasue she is constantly giving me hugs, kisses, and alwasy cheaks on me physically and mentally. With me and my three siblings she has alwasy been the kind layed back type of mom.
  • Chapter 6: Early Childhood: Psychological Development

    Chapter 6: Early Childhood: Psychological Development
    Active Play: mimics aggretion though wrestling, chasing, or hitting with no intentional harm Personal Example: Ever since I was small I always loved to play rough and I was a very active child. I have a nephew named Phanes who is one year younger than I am and we loved to wrestle each other. Even though I would always win we would roughhouse all the time. Don’t get me wrong I loved playing with my dolls but I was mostly into sports.
  • Chapter 7: Middle Childhood: Body and Mind

    Chapter 7: Middle Childhood: Body and Mind
    Selective Attention: ability to concentrate on some stimuli while ignoring others Personal Example: I have a friend that I have known my whole life that has a selective attention problem. When I would be finished with my classwork I would go over to his class to help him finish his work because he would get easily distracted which would result to him having homework.
  • Chapter 9: Adolescence: Body and Mind

    Chapter 9: Adolescence: Body and Mind
    Inductive Reasoning: reasoning form one or more specific experiences or facts to a Gerard conclusion; may be less cognitively advanced that’s deduction Personal Reasoning: For the longest time I always had this picture in my mind that all Irish people were red heads. The reasons for me thinking this is because the Irish characters I would see on the television shows I would watch would be red heads. As I got older I came to the realization that this was not true.
  • Chapter 8: Middle Childhood: Social LIfe

    Chapter 8: Middle Childhood: Social LIfe
    Family Strudcture: relative and legal family members living in one house Personal Example: For as long as I can remember it has alwasy been me and my mom. All families have different structures but mine is a single-parent family. I can says that with this type of family stucture there are positives and negatives but in the end I am grateful for my mother.
  • Chapter 10: Adolesence

    Chapter 10: Adolesence
    Parental Monitoring: parents ongoing awareness of what their children are doing, where, and with whom Personal Example: The type of parental monitoring my mom does is cheacking on me every couple of hours. When I am sick she would walk in my room every couple of minutes to make sure I am ok. Personally I am happy that she is not overbearing or parinoyed to the point where she has to track my every move. I have not given my mom a reason for her not to trust me but I do let her know where I am.