Linea de tiempo

Timeline of my life

By yeisy
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on July 28, 2003 at 6 in the afternoon
  • My first words

    My first words
    At 7 months I began to say my first words
  • My first steps

    My first steps
    At 9 months I began to walk.
  • Baptism

    At 2 years old I received the sacrament of baptism
  • My birthday

    My birthday
    I turned 5 years old and they threw me a party
  • First graduation

    First graduation
    I graduated from transition
  • First Communion

    First Communion
    At 9 years old I received my first communion
  • Trip to white beaches

    Trip to white beaches
    I went on a trip with my family to white beaches
  • My Party

    My Party
    I turned 15 and my parents threw a beautiful party to celebrate the occasion
  • Travel

    I traveled to Cartagena with my mother
  • High school graduation

    High school graduation
    I have graduated from High School
  • Sucre university

    Sucre university
    I was accepted into the medical program at the University of Sucre and started my higher education studies