Timeline about Me

  • Birth

    Dylan Kyle Maughan was Born and i'm born from Melinda Brown And Bob Maughan. I was born at 10 pm at Lenox Hill Hospital.
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    When I was a baby I was really obsessed with watching tv like I was glued to it and one of my favorite tv shows was Thomas the tank engine and my parents got me toys from Thomas the tanks engine so for my first birthday they got me a birthday cake themed after the show and I loved it, it was one of my favorite birthdays
  • Rode my first bike

    Rode my first bike
    It's kinda surprising how I went from getting a bike and riding it for the first time seemed the world to me but now I barely even touch my bike lol but anyway kids in my neighborhood used to always go riding around on their bikes and then they would go to the park and play on the playground . My parents saw how much I wanted to get a bike so for my 5th birthday they got me a brand new bike and I was the happiest kid in the world cause I was able to finally hangout with my friends
  • Went to Disney World first time

    Went to Disney World first time
    Another thing I used to be obsessed with when I was younger was anything Disney at all, I used to watch Disney channel all the time and I always wanted to go to Disney World and see the Disney Castle and all the Disney characters. So for my birthday my parents took me to Disney World and it was the greatest experience of my life and I can vividaly remember my first experience there
  • Got my first cellphone

    Got my first cellphone
    I always wanted a phone way before I actually got one like I used to use my parents cell phones all the time for games or talking to cousins that were the same age as me and I used to beg my parents all the time to let me get a phone but they kept telling me I had to be older but in this day an age now a 9 year older probably has his own iPhone but anyway I patiently waited until I was a little older and matured and I had more responsibilities, my parents finally let me have my first own phone
  • Started high school

    Started high school
    I was really terrified to go from middle school to high school. I used to be a shy kid who would only stick with the friends that I've been friends with and not reach out and meet new people and I used to be afraid that now that we are transitioning to a new school I might lose the friends that I had and I would have to make new ones but it actually turned out the opposite I had every single class with my friends and it was a really good experience and put me at ease .
  • Got Glasses

    Got Glasses
    I was really happy when I found out I had to get glasses I was one of those kids that wanted braces or wanted glasses, well atleast I got one of my wishes. It was only gonna happen eventually cause both of my parents have glasses and I was bound to start becoming blind at some point and I was really happy about even when some of my friends would make fun of me for having glasses
  • First job

    First job
    I started at McDonalds and it was my first job ever at first I enjoyed it cause I was working with friends and I also made new friends but then it started becoming more and more crappy working there and eventually a personal matter came up and I had to quit for awhile but then I eventually just quit all together because I didn't want to go back to that hell hole.
  • I got my permit

    I got my permit
    I was so excited to start driving and when I actually started it wasn't that hard at all. When I am learning something new I can learn it pretty fast and then get used to it and that's how it was when I started driving. Even though I haven't driven on the highway I don't think it will be much more different than driving on a regular road but with way more speed lol
  • Starting Senior Year of High School

    Starting Senior Year of High School
    I'm very excited to be starting senior year, I'm actually enjoying my schedule that I have this year cause I get to leave school early and I actually have classes with my friends. I'm glad that I can take actual interesting classes that I like