French, Industrial, and American Revolutions Timeline

  • Declaration of Independence

    Political Event
    The Declaration of Independence was made by the second American Continental Congress. Declaration of Independence declared the freedom and independence of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain.
  • Crop Failure

    Economic Event
    Bad weather led to large crop failures and bad harvests. The crop failures led to a shortage of grain. The shortage of grain caused the price of bread to double and many people starved.
  • Meeting of the Estates-General

    Meeting of the Estates-General
    Economic Event
    The Meeting of the Estates-General was a meeting of all three estates at Versailles.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Political Event
    The doors to the Estates-General are locked. The third estate meets on the tennis court. They pledge not to leave until they have a new constitution. This is known as the tennis court oath.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Political Event
    A mob stormed the Bastille, a Paris prison. The mob seized control of the building and killed several guards. This was an Act of Revolution for the French people.
  • National Assembly is Established

    Political Event
    Delegates from the Third Estate voted to establish the National Assembly and proclaimed an end to absolute monarchy. This vote was the first intentional act of revolution.
  • The Declaration of the Rights of Women and the Female Citizen

    Social Event
    This was written by Olympe de Gouges a short time after the French Constitution was created that year. Gogues wrote this to speak out against male and female inequality. It asked that women be treated as citizens with rights.
  • National Assembly Creates New Constitution

    Political Event
    The National Assembly creates a new constitution for France and makes changes to France's government. The constitution created a limited monarchy and took away much of the king's power. The constitution also created a new legislative body.
  • Guillotine Is Introduced and Becomes Popular

    Technoloical Event
    The guillotine was a machine introduced by Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin. The guillotine was designed to be effective, quick, and humane. The guillotine was an important machine during this time.
  • Reign of Terror

    Dilplomatic/ Military Event
    Sept. 5 1793 - July 24 1794 The period of time that Maximilien Robespierre ruled was called the Reign of Terror. Robespierre ruled France like a dictator. During this time any enemies of the revolution were given death sentences and sent to the guillotine.
  • Marie Antoinette is Decapitated

    Political Event
    Marie was not popular with the people of France. She became known as Madame Deficit to the people because of her spending on jewels, gowns, gambling, and gifts. She was convicted of treason and sent to the guillotine.
  • Napoleon Becomes/Crowns Himself Emperor of France

    Political Event
    Napoleon grabs the crown from Pope Pius VII and crowns himself. This showed that Napoleon siezed power and took it for himself.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Military Event
    The battle took place off the southwest coast of Spain. This was the only major battle that Napoleon lost. This was a naval defeat and it was more important than all other battles on land.
  • Continental System- Napoleon Sets up a Blockade

    Diplomatic/Military Event Napoleon sets up a blockade and closes ports to stop trade and communication between Great Britain and other European nations. This system was supposed to make continental Europe self-sufficient and hurt Great Britain's commercial and industrial economy.
  • Slave Trade Act 1807

    Social Event
    The Slave Trade Act of 1807 was passed by Parliament to end slave trade in the British West Indies.
  • Combination Acts Are Repealed

    Social Event
    The acts which outlawed unions and strikes are repealed. The British government tolerates and allows unions after 1825.
  • Abolition of Slavery in Britain

    Social Event
    The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 put an end to slavery in the British Empire.
  • Factory Act of 1833

    Social Event
    The Factory Act of 1833 was passed by Parliament after their investigation of child labor and working conditions in mines and factories. This law made it illegal to hire children under 9. Children 9-12 could not work more than 8 hours a day. Young people 13-17 could not work more than 12 hours a day
  • Mine Act of 1842

    Social Event
    The Mine Act prevented women and children from working underground in mines,
  • Ten Hours Act of 1847

    Social Event
    The Ten Hours Act made the workday limited to ten hours for women and children working in factories.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Cultural Event
    The Emancipation Proclamation was a document signed by Abraham Lincoln that freed slaves in the states that were in rebellion to the United States.
  • Unions Win Right to Strike

    Economic Event
    British trade unions receive the right to strike and picket peacefully. The unions wanted to increase wages and improve working conditions for their members.
  • Combination Acts of 1799 and 1800

    Social Event
    These acts outlawed unions and strikes. The government saw unions as a threat.