Timeline #3

  • Period: 480 to 525

    Culture; Decline of Classical Culture; Boethius

    -Boethius translated Aristotle's treaties on logic into Latin.
    -Wrote commentaries on Aristotle, Cicero, and Porphyry
    -Wrote The Consolation of Philosophy while in prison waiting to be executed.
    *Forerunner of Scholasticism; reason did not conflict with Christianity.
  • Period: 570 to 632

    Religion; Muhammad (Islam)

    -Prosperous merchant in Mecca; turned prophet.
    -He was chosen
    -Muhammad offered Arabs a new monotheistic faith, Islam.
  • 622

    Religion; Passage from Mecca to Medina

    -Muhammad and his followers left Mecca and went to Medina, 200 miles away (became know as the Hegira).
    -Muhammad gained more followers in Medina
    -Preached holy war against unbelievers
    -Tried to convert Jews, but they rejected him
  • 630

    Religion; Islamic Acceptance

    -By 630, Mecca surrendered and accepted Islam.
    -Bedouins all over Arabia embraced Islam and recognized the authority of Muhammad
  • Period: 641 to 741

    Politics; Kingdom of the Franks; Charles Martle

    -Mayor of the Palace 715-741
    -Got all Frankish land in his control
  • 732

    Politics; Charles Martel; Battle of Tours

    -Defeated the Muslims at Battle of Tours in 732
    -Considers by many as a pivotal battle in world history
  • Period: 742 to 814

    Politics; Kingdom of Franks; Charlemagne

    -Son of Pepin, Grandson of Charles Martel
    -Expanded Frankish Kingdom
    -Divided the empire into about 250 counties, each administered by a comites, a count, a nobel personally loyal to the ruler.
    -Connected the Emperor with the Roman Church
    -Suggested the Pope was superior to the Emperor
  • 843

    Politics; Break-Up of Charlemagne's Empire

    -Charlemagne son, Louis the Pious inherited the throne
    -Louis died in 840
    -Treaty of Verdun in 843, divided empire among three surviving sons.
  • Period: 936 to 973

    Politics; Germany; Otto the Great

    -Otto, the Great (936-973)
    He linked control of Germany and northern Italy to title of Emperor of the Romans; later known as Holy Roman Emperor.
    -There was on going struggle between the German Emperor and the Pope. This resulted in neither Germany or Italy achieving national unity, until another millennium.
  • Period: 980 to 1037

    Philosophy; Muslim; Ibn-Sina

    Ibn-Sina was known to the west as Avicenna
    -Commentaries on Aristotle
    -Important influence on Medieval Christianity
  • 1054

    Politics; Great Schism

    -Pope Resisted domination by Byzantine emperor
    -Byzantine church denied papal primacy
    -Mutual excommunication
  • 1059

    Religion; Gregorian Reform; Papal Power Rises

    From the start of 1059, a church council announced that popes would be selected by the college of cardinals.
  • 1066

    War; Norman Invasion

    Battle of Hastings; William l, the Conqueror
  • Period: 1073 to 1088

    Religion; Gregorian Reform; Papal Primacy

    -Pope Gregory Vll (r. 1073-1088); Helped establish the Pope was above all nobles, kings, and emperors.
    -(Papal Primacy= Pope head of church, above all other clergy.)
    -Later this papal primacy, creates a lot of arguments between emperors, king and the pope.
  • Period: 1084 to 1105

    Religion; Henry lV v. Pope

    Henry lV;
    - Pope insisted that had no power or input in the selection of clerical offices; try to assert their power.
    - Emperor believed that if he were to give in to the pope, it would undermine national authority.
    - Pope eventually excommunicated the emperor; Emperor deposed Pope.
  • 1091

    War; Normans Conquering Sicily

    -In 1091, Norman took Sicily from Muslims
    -Long, ongoing struggle to drive Muslims from Spain
  • 1092

    War; Death of Sultan of Seljuk Turks

    -Death of Sultan of Seljuk Turks in 1092
    -Led Byzantine Emperor, Alexius to appeal to the west for assistance against the Turks.
  • 1095

    War; Crusades; Pope Urban ll

    -Pope Urban ll, at the Council of Clermont called for war agains the Turks
    -He claimed that this would be a "just war."; It channeled Christian knights' aggression toward a common enemy, the heathens.
    -Began the reconquest of Jerusalem
  • Period: 1096 to 1099

    War; First Crusade

    -Conquest of Jerusalem
    -In response, Muslim leaders called for a jihad
    -Jihad = a struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam
  • 1122

    Religion; Concordat of Worms

    -Recognized that bishops are not only church leaders but temporal leaders as well.
  • Period: 1122 to 1204

    Politics; Eleanor of Aquitaine

    -Eleanor of Aquitaine was married to:
    King Louis Xll of France (1137-1152)
    King Henry ll of England (1152-1189)
    -She also had two sons; Richard l (King of England) and John (King of England).
    -King Henry ll ruled more of France than the own king of France.
  • Period: 1126 to 1198

    Philosophy; Muslim; Ibn-Rushd

    Ibn-Rushd is known in the west as Averroes
    -Believed the Koran did not exclude study of ancient Greek texts
    -Believed Greeks had discrovered Truth
  • Period: 1147 to 1149

    War; Second Crusade

    -First goal to reclaim the Holy Land, Jerusalem
    -Second, to come to the aid of the Byzantine Emperor. Who was a Christian ruler.
    -The defeat caused a lot of pain for the Christians. Many believed God was not on their side, and so they lost their faith.
  • Period: 1189 to 1192

    War; Third Crusade

    -Failed to conquer Jerusalem
    -"The Kings Crusade"; Richard the Lion-Hearted, Fredrick Barbarossa, Philip Augustus, Saladin
  • Period: 1198 to 1216

    Religion; Pope Innocent lll

    -The apex of Papal Power
    -Asserted papal primacy over all monarchs
    -Established Fourth Lateran Council in 1215
    Christians must; Confess their sins once a year, Marriage Banns, Transubstantiation
  • Period: 1202 to 1204

    War; Fourth Crusade

    -Sack of Constantinople
    -Latin Empire in the east, 1204-1261
    -Created deep mistrust between East and West
  • Period: 1226 to 1270

    Politics; France; Louis lX

    -Louis lX (r. 1226-1270)
    -He prohibited private warfare among nobles
    -Established sound, reliable coinage
    -He was greatly loved by his subjects