Timeline 1

  • 500

    Clovis establishes the Frankish Empire

    Clovis establishes the Frankish Empire
    Clovis established the Frankish Empire in 500 and by 510 he expanded the empire to Pyrenees to Germany.
  • Period: 500 to Dec 31, 1400

    Muhammed to Black Death

  • 511

    The Death of Clovis

    The Death of Clovis
    Clovis Dies on November 27th 511.
  • 527

    Emperor Justinian

    Emperor Justinian
    Emperor Justinian wanted to re-establish the roman empire. His reign started Aug. 1st 527 and by 552 he had reached his goal.
  • 565

    Emperor Justinian's Death

    Emperor Justinian's Death
    Emperor Justinian died in constantinoble on November 13th 565.
  • 570

    Prophet Muhammad Birth

    Prophet Muhammad Birth
    The prophet muhammed was born in the year 570.
  • Jan 1, 610

    Prophet Muhammad's First message

    Prophet Muhammad's First message
    Prophet Muhammad's first message came to him in 610.
  • Jan 1, 622

    Prophet Muhammad's Journey to Medina

    Prophet Muhammad's Journey to Medina
    Moved from Makkah to Medina with his closest followers.
  • Jan 1, 630

    Journey back to Mekkah

    Journey back to Mekkah
    Went back to Mekkah with thousands of followers and took over city. Also converted many to the faith of Islam.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Prophet Muhammad's death

    Prophet Muhammad's death
    Prophet Muhammad's death.
  • Jan 2, 632

    Abu Bakr Named Caliph

    Abu Bakr Named Caliph
    Abu Bakr, muhammad's father-in-law, takes over after Muhammad dies.
  • Aug 23, 634

    Abu Bakr Death

    Abu Bakr Death
    Abu Bakr dies on Aug. 23rd 634 in medina.
  • Jan 1, 636

    Byzantine Army defeated

    Byzantine Army defeated
    Under Abu Bakr the arabs unite and defeat the Byzantine Army.
  • Jan 1, 636

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    The Byzantine Empire lasts until 1453 and is a smaller Roman Empire. Its capital is Constantinople. Its ruler was Constatine.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Perisan Empire Taken Over

    Perisan Empire Taken Over
    By the year 650 the entire Persian Empire had been taken over by the Arabs.
  • Jan 1, 661

    The Umayyad Empire

    The Umayyad Empire
    Mu'awiyah became caliph and turned the caliph position into a system of passing it down through generation called the Caliphate. He also made the capital Damascus.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Damascus becomes Capital of Arab Empire

    Damascus becomes Capital of Arab Empire
    Under the Umayyads Dmascus becomes the capital of the Arab Empire.
  • Oct 10, 732

    The Battle of Tours

    The Battle of Tours
    The Umayyads kept expanding until 732 when they were stopped by Frank Forces.
  • Jan 1, 750

    The Abbasid Dynasty

    The Abbasid Dynasty
    In 750 the Abbasid's, under Abu Al-Abbas, overthrew the Umayyad dynasty and set up the Abbasid Dynasty which lasted until 1258.
  • Jan 1, 750

    The Umayyads Fall

    The Umayyads Fall
    The Abbasids take over the great Umayyad empire.
  • Jan 2, 750

    The Golden Age of The Islamic Society Begins

    The Golden Age of The Islamic Society Begins
    Thanks to Abbasid empire, islamic society reached its golden age through properous trade, advances in technology and science, and new islamic philosphy.
  • Jan 1, 762

    New Capital City

    New Capital City
    In 762 the Abbasids built a new capital city in Baghdad.
  • Jan 1, 1055

    The Seljuk Turks

    The Seljuk Turks
    The Seljuk Turks take over Baghdad under their sultan and take control of the empire but kept the Abbisid leader in charge of religion.
  • Dec 25, 1066

    William of Normandy and The Battle of Hastings.

    William of Normandy and The Battle of Hastings.
    Led his army into England and defeated Harold II Godwineson at the Battle of Hastings. He completed the establishment of Feudalism.
  • Jan 1, 1099

    Holy Roman Empire and Pope Urban the 2nd Start the Crusades

    Holy Roman Empire and Pope Urban the 2nd Start the Crusades
    The Holy Roman Empire, under Pope Urban the 2nd, started the Crusades to take back the Holy Land of Jerusalem and in 1099 they succeeded in capturing. Then they got taken over again and never got Jerusalem again. There were 7 major crusades and even up to 24 depending on the source. It was fought between the Catholics and the Muslims. Both religions thought that Jerusalem belonged to them because of the holy sites in that land. They were bloody battles and many people died for their gods.
  • Apr 6, 1199

    King John and The Magna Carta

    King John and The Magna Carta
    King John was the ruler of England and signed the Magna Carta. In 1215 the Magne Carta was created and gave rights to the people of England.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    The Mongols sieze Perisa and Mesopotamia

    The Mongols sieze Perisa and Mesopotamia
    Under Hulegu Khan the Mongols sieze Perisia and Mesopotamia. They had a strong hatred for Islam.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    The Fall of the Abbasids

    The Fall of the Abbasids
    The mongols took over and destroyed the Abbasid capital of Baghdad and ended the great Abbasid dynasty.
  • Dec 31, 1258

    The Golden Age of Islamic Society Ends...

    The Golden Age of Islamic Society Ends...
    Thanks to the Mongol takeover, the golden age of the islamic society ends.
  • Jan 1, 1348

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was one of the most devastating diseases to strike Europe. It started in 1348 and kept spreading for many years after. It was carried by rats and spread from person to person due to the horrible living conditions of the time. It killed up to half of the population of Europe.
  • Sep 27, 1480

    Spanish Inquisition

    Spanish Inquisition
    The Spanish Inquisition was a group of Kings and other leaders intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their Kingdoms. This was established because of Political authority, weakening opposition, suppressing conversos, profiting from confiscation of the property of convicted heretics, reducing social tensions and protecting the kingdom from the danger of a fifth column.
  • Cairo becomes Capital of Egypt

    Cairo becomes Capital of Egypt
    Cairo becomes Capital of Egypt thanks to the Fatimids dynasty.
  • Charlemagne Takes Power

    Charlemagne Takes Power
    Charles the Great or Charlemagne takes over power of the Frankish Kingdom in 768. He ruled from 768 to 814 and greatly expanded his kingdom to cover most of western and central Europe. He was crowned the emperor of Rome in 800 by the pope and is considered the greatest roman emperor.
  • Charlemagne Death

    Charlemagne Death
    Charlemagne died on January 28th 814.
  • The Roman Catholic Church

    The Roman Catholic Church
    Christianity is the main religion of the Roman Empire. It played a huge role in European Civilization. Popes were the highest ranking in christianity. Monks were created when men wanted to persue the life of total dedication to god. Followed the Bible as their holy book.
  • Feudalism

    After Charlemagne's death the Church system began to fall apart. This led to a new social system called Feudalism. This system is when food, protection, and land are all given down to different groups by the king in exchange for money and knights. The highest social group is the King followed by the nobles who are in charge of the Knights who are in charge of the Peasants. The Peasants work in the fields and collect crops and such for the Knights to give the Nobles to give to the King.