Time line about your life

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in Bogotá, in the hospital HOCEN on May 04 of 2005. My dad and my mom had been excited because of my birth.
  • My third birthday.

    My third birthday.
    My mom and dad had prepared a trip to a town called Villa de Leyva. I was happy that day because I shared with my family, and they gave me a wooden horse.
  • The trip to visit my grandmother

    The trip to visit my grandmother
    One summer, my family and I went to Huila to visit my grandmother. We traveled by car, and my father was driving on the road. He had been driving a lot that day, but in the end, we arrived and he could rest. My grandmother was waiting for us with dinner, which was tasteful. We spent most of the summer there.
  • My dad's transfer

    My dad's transfer
    At the end of the year, my father was transferred to Putumayo due to some problems he had with a commander. That man had decided to send him there without a doubt, which resulted in one of my saddest moments.
  • My first tooth felt out

    My first tooth felt out
    That day I had been scared because I thought I was going to get really hurt thanks to my tooth. In the end, it didn't get hurt and the next I woke up with 5,000 pesos under my pillow.
  • I received my first medal

    I received my first medal
    That day I was very happy because I received my medal for the excellent grades I had gotten. My parents were very surprised for me. That got me an ice cream and much candies.
  • My first pet

    My first pet
    One day in the morning my dad came to the house with a parrot which he had brought from Putumayo. That day was very special for me, I couldn't believe it. I called him Rio
  • The death of my great-grandmother

    The death of my great-grandmother
    That day I received the news that my great-grandmother died when I got home; I couldn't believe it, I felt helpless because I couldn't help her. Since that day I assimilated that one day everyone will have to die.
  • My first time in a river

    My first time in a river
    My godmother invited my family to spend time with her at her parents' farm. she took us to the river to swim and have fun. It was a strange experience as I couldn't swim and I had been being nervous because I couldn't stop thinking about drowning.
  • My trip to the sea

    My trip to the sea
    At the end of the year, My family and I went to Santa Marta to see the sea. We went down the road, a truck almost hit us, but my parent had had similar experiences before, so he could avoid the crash. When we arrived, the first thing I thought was that it was beautiful to see the sunset, to feel the breeze, and to see how the sun was gradually sinking into the water.