The War of 1812

By JMay2
  • President Madison Takes Office

    President Madison Takes Office
    President Madison took office in 1809. Tension was high with Britain at the time. Americans were angry at Britain for arming Native Americans in the Northwest. Americans also hated the continued impressment of American soldiera by the British.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    War hawks were those who were eager for war with Britain. Henry Clay and John C. Calhoun were both leaders in the House of Representatives and also war hawks. Opposition to war was strongest in New England. New Englanders believed war with Britian would hurt American trade.
  • Relations with Great Britain Worsen

    Relations with Great Britain Worsen
    Relations worsened with Great Britain in the early months of 1812. Britain told the United States that they would continue impressing soldiers. At the same time, Native Americans begain attacking frontier settlements in the Northwest. In June, Congress declared war on Britain.
  • Period: to

    The War of 1812

  • Congress Declares War on Britain

    Congress Declares War on Britain
    THe war was not at a good time for Britain. Britain was still at war with Europe but did not meet American demands to avoid war. Providing Native Americans with support was one way of protecting Canada against an American attack.
  • America is Not Ready for War

    America is Not Ready for War
    When the war began, Americans were confident that they would win. But soon after, Americans realizecd the United States was not ready for war. Jeffersons spending cuts had weakened the American millitary. The navy only had 16 warships and the army had less than 7,000 men.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    In the first few days of the war, Britain set up a blockade on the American ports (shut the ports). By 1814, the British had 135 warships. After the British got reinforcements, they were able to close all American ports by the end of the war.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    The American army was led by General William Hull. The American army invaided through Detroit then retreated when Hull didnt think he had enough soldiers. The British army, led by General Isaac Brock, surrounded Hulls army and forced them to surrender.
  • USS Constitution Scores a Victory

    USS Constitution Scores a Victory
    A major sea battle was fought in the begining of the war. The USS Constitution defeated the British warship Guerrie're, in a fierce battle. According to a tradition, the sailors nicknamed the USS Constitution "Old Ironside" becuase British artillery fire bounced off the ships thick wooden hull.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The Battle of Lake Erie took 3 hours. The battle took place at the Put-in-Bay. American Commander Oliver Hazzard Perry led the American army and won against the British once again. The American army took control of the lake.
  • Battle of Horseshoe Bend

    Battle of Horseshoe Bend
    In the summer of 1813, Creek warriors attacked several southern American settlements. Andrew Jackson took command to put a stop to these attacks.Jackson defeated the Creeks. The Creeks were forced to give up millions of acres of land.
  • Washington D.C Attacked, and Burned

    Washington D.C Attacked, and Burned
    British soldiers marched into Washington D.C and set fire to the city. The soldiers burned several government buildings. British warships also bombarded Fort McHenry, but the American soldiers had beaten off the attack.
  • Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    Francis Scott Key watched the attack as it happened and in the morning he saw the American flag still flying. On the back of an old envelope Key wrote a poem of the nights attack. Eventually, the poem became popular and set with music. In 1931, Congress made it the national anthem of the U.S.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    In December 1814, a group of Federalists met in Hartford, Conneticut. Some of the delegates suggested the Hartford Convention. The Hartford Convention suggested that the New England states should secede (withdraw) from the U.S. After the war, the Hartford Convention ended.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Britain was tired of war. Ghent, Belgium and Britain signed a treaty. This treaty brought the end of the war. The treaty brought things back to the way it was before the war.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans was the final major batle of the war. Britain tried to seize New Orleans and the territory got in the Louisianna purchase.Offical dispatches anouncing the peace put an end to the war.