the war of 1812

  • Period: to

    the war of 1812

  • president mafison takes office

    *tentions with britain were high.
    *americans were angry at britain for giving indians guns.
    *to most americans the centries honor was at steak.
    *clay,calnoun's suporters were called the war hawks.
    *new englanders belived war with britain would ruin american trade
  • relations with great britain worsen

    *britain and U.S disagred over trade.
    *the relations with briatain worsen
    *britain and france were set to expire in 1810.
    *the U.S made a very daring offer.
    *if britain or france woluld stop seezing american ships the U.S would stop trade with the other nations.
  • war hawks take power

    the politicians were in the ages of 28-39.
    *they still had not acheved economic independance.
    *us merchants were captured and forced to work for the british navy.
    *this happened 34 yrs after the american revolution.
    *british blockaded the american ports.
  • congress decalres war on britian

    *in 1811,the US and britain closer too war.
    *to stop american trading british blocaded american ports.
    *the american crippled the british ship and left 32 british dead or wounded.
    *felix grundy gave a very imoptional speech.
    *felix grundy was a congress man.
  • america is not ready for war

    *the US was a new nation.
    *they didnt want to have more land that belonged to the us
    *they did not have a strong navy
    *first war started in the US
    *if they gained the land they would lose power
  • british blocades american ports

    *british set up a blocade on the american coast
    *the british navy had 135 warships blocading american ports
    *americans reinforced and british closed of all american ports
    *they did this to stop american trading
    *the american navy was unable to break the blocade
  • invation of canada

    *this was betwween US. and great britain
    *Half of britains troopswere made up of canadian army
    *The war of 1812 ended in a stalemate
    *The general was brock skillfull and every body remembered
  • USS constitution scores a victory

    *The boat was called old ironsides
    *Guns roared into action
    *the ironsides put holes in the Guerfiere
    *This was located in the newfound land,Isaac hull
    *This battle is now famous
  • Attack On Baltimore

    *The british marched tords baltimore.
    *the key to baltimores defence was at fort Mchenry.
    *From september 13 until dawn on september 14 british rockets bomb barted the harbor
  • Battle on lake erie

    *27 american troops were killed and 96 were wonded.
    *40 british troops were killed and 94 were wonded.
    *perry sent a famous dispatch to general William Harrison.
    *lake erie forced the british to abandon detroit.
    *niagra made the british surrender
  • battle of thames

    *America losses control over lake erie.
    *british had an ally called the tecumseh.
    *the tecumseh retreted.
    *william harison vetran of tippecanoe pursuded canada.
    *tecumseh died in the fighting.
  • horseshoe bend

    *native americans suffered defeat in the south.
    *jackson defeated the creeks at the battle of the horseshoe bend.
    *creeks gave up millions of acres of land.
    *the treaty ended the war.
    *creeks attacked many sothern american settlements
  • washington,DC attacked and burned

    *this was between the US and enagland
    *british troops enter washington DC and burn the white house
    *james madison and the first lady fled to maryland
    *then he left so he could meet with his generals
    *this was revenge for the american attack on york onterio
  • Writing of the star spangled banner

    *Francis Scott made a poem.
    *This was oridinaly called the defence on fort Mchenry.
    *U.S flew over fort Mchenry with a flag.
    *Francis Scott key was born on august 1st 1779.
    *He became a lawyer.
  • Hartford Convention

    *they thretened too leave the union if the war continued.
    *they were debating and the peace treaty arrived.
    *the hartford concention ended quickley
    *when the war ended the protest was meaningless.
    *most of the delegates were federalists.
  • Treaty of ghent

    *the americans summed up the treaty into 1 sentance
    *britain and the us agreed to restore prewar conditions
    *the issues fadded due to the end of the Napoleonic wars in Eroupe
    *some americans thought the war of 1812 was a mistake.
    *canada and the us settle a dispute in 1818
  • battle of new orleans

    *This was called the second war of america.
    *stunned by declaring war on great britain.
    *after this many battles were fought.
    *britain thretened new orleans.
    *after this the british general decided to attack again