The Timeline of my life.

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on March 22, 1992 at 3:00 o´clock AM in Luis Guillon, Buenos Aires, Argenitna, I had blue eyes and my weight was 3.500 kg,
  • I met Figo

    I met Figo
    Figo is my beautiful dog and I met him in 2006, since that year I got a great life partner and I am proud to own.
  • First day in third year of high School

    First day in third year of high School
    Here I am with my best friend yuliana on the first day in third year of high School, it was a great day.
  • My Graduation

    My Graduation
    My graduation was in 2009 in the "College Alvear", is a private school and his specialization is Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Birthday nº 19

    Birthday nº 19
    My birthday was in my house where I met with my friends and family for a great day.