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The Papacy of the Catholic Church Since World War II

  • Election of Pope Pius XII

    Election of Pope Pius XII
    This pope sparked major controversy throughout his life in his supposed "inaction" during World War II, as he signed a non-violence aggreement with Adolf Hitler. There is great evidence, however, to suggest that he made great effort to harbor as many Jews as possible, denouncing the Nazis ideology as directly contrary to Christian teaching. He was made venerable by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009, a step in the direction of Sainthood.
  • Pope Pius XII Uses Infalibility to Declare the Assumption of Mary Dogmatic

    Pope Pius XII Uses Infalibility to Declare the Assumption of Mary Dogmatic
    Pope Pius XII exercises the extremely rarely used Papal Infalibility to declare the Assumption of Mary a dogma in his Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus. Contrary to many peoples' beliefs, Catholics do not consider everything the pope says to be infalible, and true infalibility has only been declared on few occasions.
  • Pope Pius XII dies

    Castel Gandolfo, Pope Pius XII, dies, marking the end of one of the most controversial papcies of modern times. Pope Pius XII was often seen as an enemy of the Jewish people, and is still depicted as a villian in the eyes of many. He is often remembered for his "inaction" during World War II, as he signed a non-violence aggreement with Adolf Hitler. There is great evidence, however, to suggest that he made great effort to harbor as many Jews as possible.
  • Pope John XXIII Calls the Second Vatican Council

    Pope John XXIII Calls the Second Vatican Council
    Pope John XXIII was elected to be a "caretaker" pope, that is, a pope who is only in the Chair of Peter for a couple of years without doing anything major. Instead, he called the historic council Vatican II, which has been the source of most of the controversy in the Catholic Church for the past fifty years. Although he died very soon after the council started, he left behind a powerful legacy because of that act. He was beatified by John Paul II in September, 2000.
  • Period: to

    Vatican II

    The Second Vatican Council was presided over by Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI, running for three years.
  • Election of Pope Paul VI

    After the death of Blessed John XXIII, Giovani Motini was elected pope, taking the name Paul VI. Pope Paul was called to continue the Second Vatican Council, He is remembered for his ecumenical efforts with all of the world's denominations and religions. On December 20th, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI named him Venerable.
  • Pope Paul VI Ends Vatican II

    The historic council of Vatican II comes to a close, leaving many people confused and unsatisfied, and some even calling for a Third Vatican Council immediately afterwards.
  • Period: to

    Papacy of Pope John Paul I

    Among the shortest in history, John Paul's papacy lasted a mere 33 days, resulting in the Church having three popes in the same calender year. Pope John Paul has been titled "Servant of God," the beginning of the cannonization process.
  • Election of Pope John Paul II

    The historic papacy of John Paul II began.
  • Assasination Attempt on Pope John Paul II

    An ABC broadcast on the shooting of Pope John Paul IIIn St. Peter's Square in Vatican City, the pope was shot four times by Mehet Ali Acgra, who has since been pardoned at John Paul II's request.
  • Pope John Paul II Dies

    Pope John Paul II Dies
    After 27 years leading the Roman Catholic Church, one of the greatest popes the world has yet known passed away at 9:37PM on April 2nd, 2005. The Holy Father had an influence on the world to which most popes never come close. His 14 papal encyclicals and many more Apostolic letters hold great influence over the Church to this day, especailly his infamous teachings on Theology of the Body. He is currently titled "Blessed" by the Vatican, needing one more miracle to his name to make him a Saint.
  • Election of Pope Francis I

    Pope Francis is elected on the second day of conclaveThe first-ever Jesuit to be elected as pope, Jorge Bergoglio is also the first South American pope, and the first non-European one in over 1,200 years,