The Napoleonic Era

  • Napoleon attempts to conquer Egypt and cut off English trade lines and is defeated by Horatio Nelson

    While campaigning in Egypt, Napoleon was defeated by British forces, He returned to France before everyone would find out and would damage his reputation.
  • Napoleon's coup d'etat, overthrowing the Directory

    The prominent members of the legislature were plotting against the directory because it was a weak dictatorship. Sieyes, someone that was part of the directory, wanted a strong military ruler. He then suggested Napoleon would be the ideal person for the job, Napoleon then organized a takeover and he overthrew the Directory.
  • Napoleon is declared First Consul

    The Coup d'etat established Napoleon as First Consul of France and he became the most powerful.
  • Napoleon is declared Emperor

    Napoleon was declared emperor by using a wartime atmosphere to have himself proclaimed emperor.
  • Battle of Trafalgar

    Napoleon sent his armies to the French ports and began preparations to invade England. Great Britain remained dominant on the seas. When Napoleon brought his army to northern France, there was a French and Spanish fleet led by Lord Nelson waiting for them. Therefore, the invasion of England was not possible.
  • The Continental System is implemented

    After Napoleon defeated the Russians, he negotiated a treaty with them. The treaty allows the Russians to join the Continental System of Blockades and isolate Britain economically if they were ever going to continue war against France. This led to a realignment of alliances.
  • Napoleon is defeated in Russia

    After the Russian army retreated from Moscow, they destroyed everything and set it on fire. Napoleon had planned to restore his troops there in the harsh winter, but it was found desolate. Therefore, Napoleon and his army suffered from starvation and the cold on their way back to France.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Leipzig (Battle of the Nations)

    Napoleon was defeated by 320,000 different troops from Austria, Prussia, Russia, and Sweden. This destroyed what was left of the French power in Poland and Germany.
    Cause: Napoleons army grew weaker as the allies grew stronger. There were cowards in the French army that fled to the opposing side.
    Effect: The destruction of French power in Poland and Germany
  • Spanish nationalists overthrow Napoleon

    Spanish nationalism emerged in the Spanish War of Independence against Napoleon.
    Cause: Spanish nationalism increased
    Effect: This event caused the Spanish empire to crash.
  • Napoleon is exiled to Elba

    After Napoleon abdicated his thrown, his allies gave him the island of Elba, a small island off of the coast of Italy, as his own state. He was allowed to keep his title, and France was required to pay him money yearly.
  • Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo

    The allies united against Napoleon at Waterloo and crushed his forces at the end of the Hundred Days
  • Napoleon is exiled to St. Helena

    Napoleon was defeated at Waterloo and his allies imprisoned him on the St. Helena.