The Middle Ages

By 2305567
  • 200

    200 CE -The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire.

    200 CE -The Barbarian invasion of the Western Roman Empire.
    For the fall of Rome, it was the initiated by the Huns invading from the east that then caused a domino effect; they invaded the Goths, who then invaded the Roman Empire.
  • 476

    476 CE - The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown.

    476 CE - The last Western Roman Emperor is overthrown.
    The overthrow of Romulus Augustulus, considered to have been the final Western Roman Emperor. Odoacer's deposition of Romulus Augustulus, occurring in 476 AD.
  • 793

    793 CE - The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.

    793 CE - The Vikings begin attacking Christian settlements.
    The Vikings came into contact with Christianity through their raids, and when they settled in lands with a Christian population, they adopted Christianity quite quickly.
  • 800

    800 CE - Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.

    800 CE - Charlemagne is crowned as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
    Charlemagne reached the height of his power in 800 when he was crowned "Emperor of the Romans" on Christmas Day he had ruled as emperor for almost 14 years and was king for almost 46 years.
  • 1066

    1066 CE - The Normans conquer England.

    1066 CE - The Normans conquer England.
    William the Conqueror lead the Normans into France in 1066 CE. William was a remote cousin of Edwards and said that Edward had promised him the throne when he visited England in 1051 . Edward even said his case had been accepted by Harold Godwinson in 1064. When Harold had been windblown onto the Norman shore by a storm. William invaded England to become King and claim the throne from Harold.
  • 1099

    1099 CE -The First Crusade captures Jerusalem from the Muslims.

    1099 CE -The First Crusade captures Jerusalem from the Muslims.
    The Siege of Jerusalem took place from June 7 to July 15, 1099, during the First Crusade. The successful siege saw the Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Fatimid Caliphate and laid the foundations for the Kingdom of Jerusalem.
  • 1270

    1270 CE - The last Crusade fails.

    1270 CE - The last Crusade fails.
    The Ninth Crusade which was the last crusade to protect the medieval land of Jerusalem.