The Life of Sr Irene McCormack

  • Birth

    On the 21st of August 1938, Sr Irene MCcormack was born in Kununoppin, a farm in Western Australia.
  • Becoming a sister of St Joseph

    Becoming a sister of St Joseph
    Sr Irene MCcormackAt the age of 17, Irene MCcormack had decided that she wanted to devote her life to God.
  • First vows

    First vows
    At the age of 20, Sr Irene MCcormack offically made her vows as a sister.
  • Final vows

    Final vows
    The final vows of sister Irene becmming a sister of st Joseph.
  • Graduating from University

    Graduating from University
    By now,Sr Irene MCcormack had finished her studies and graduated at the University of Western Australia
  • Being a teacher

    Being a teacher
    Sr Irene MCcormack has been a teacher for 30 years of her life. They say she liked getting things done, enjoyed sports and dancing.
  • Becoming a missionary in peru

    Becoming a  missionary in peru
    In this time, Sr Irene had become a missionary worker in peru and was helping those in the poor areas of Latin America.
  • Going to help those in Huasahuasi

    Going to help those in Huasahuasi
    She left Latin America to go help those in the dangerous village of Huasahuasi in the Andes Mountains. There she opened up libararies for children and workshops for women and men. She also started thier very own vegetable garden.
  • Leaving the village of Huasahuasi

    Leaving the village of Huasahuasi
    In fear of getting hurt and even killed, Sr Irene MCcormack left the village but came back becuase she cared too much for the community.
  • Death

    [the death of Sr Irene](www.godtube.com/watch/?v=77GZWWNX)At 6:00pm 21st May, Sr Irene MCcormack was unfortunatly martyred by the Guerilla Band (AKA the shining path)