The life of jack

  • End of last year

    End of last year
    I hope to have all credits, and to have not failed any classes
  • Now

    now I am working on completing all of my courses this semester
    and getting all of my credits
  • Grade 12 year

    Grade 12 year
    This year its time for me to buckle down and get the rest of my volunteer hours, and credits.
  • The end of my grade 12 year

    The end of my grade 12 year
    Its the end of my last year of highschool and I have gotten an apprentice ship in the automotive industry. Plus I have gotten all of my credits and hours, which will look good on a resume.
  • My first day as an automotive mechanic

    My first day as an automotive mechanic
    I have completed my apprenticeship and I have also switched jobs, I am now an auto mechanic
  • First year in the working world

    First year in the working world
    I have graduated highschool and im studying in college for my apprentice ship, im also studying for my apprentice ship at work.
  • Moving out of my parents house

    Moving out of my parents house
    This is the day I move out of my parents house and look for a place of my own
  • found my first house

    found my first house
    Finally i am moving into my first house, and hoping to start a family
  • Jack's mariage

    Jack's mariage
    The day I got married to my girlfriend
  • Career advancement

    Career advancement
    I become the head boss of the automotive shop I work at
  • The birth of my first child

    The birth of my first child
    This is the date that my first child is born
  • The birth of my second child

    The birth of my second child
    This is the date my second child is born
  • My first car

    My first car
    The very first car I have ever bought (2020 Mitsubishi Lancer Limited Edition)
  • Relocating to a new home

    Relocating to a new home
    My family and I have build and moved into a new home across town
  • Job interview for manufacturing vehicles

    Job interview for manufacturing vehicles
    I have a job interview for a new and interesting job
  • Starting work at my new job at formet

    Starting work at my new job at formet
    Iv'e gotten my new job at formet and I am enjoying it
  • My automotive loyalty reward

    My automotive loyalty reward
    My first award for being the most loyal automotive technition at formet
  • Second advancement in a career

    Second advancement in a career
    I have advanced positions at formet, from being an auto technition to inspection manager (check each vehicle for minor or major mistakes and to make sure everything is up to date)