Ellis island

The Life of German Immigrant Angela Schmidt

  • Birth and Childhood in Berlin, Germany

    Birth and Childhood in Berlin, Germany
    For the past few months, my father and older brother have been sending us money from America while we are still here at home. They went over looking for new job opportunities and were successful. We now have enough money for my mother and I to travel to America as well. Even though my life here has been nice and we have decent home, we would like a better life. I want to record all of my new experiences as we head to the promise land.
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    The Life of German Immigrant Angela Schmidt

  • Arrival in Ellis Island when Brooklyn Bridge Opens

    Arrival in Ellis Island when Brooklyn Bridge Opens
    We left our homeland a few weeks ago aboard the “Voyager.” I do not miss my old life at all. We are now arriving in New York. As we passed through the immigration station, we were signed in as U.S. citizens and checked by a doctor. My brother and father were waiting for us. New York was incredible. There were thousands of skyscrapers everywhere. As we headed back to our new apartment, I saw that the Brooklyn Bridge was being opened. It was breath-taking. I knew I was going to like it here.
  • Statue of Liberty Arrives in New York

    Statue of Liberty Arrives in New York
    I have now lived here for almost two years now. Our apartment is a decent size, but I had imagined it larger. I share a room with my brother and we have a small kitchen. We live on the 5th floor of an 8 story building. Even though my father got me a job at a bakery, we did not always have a hot meal on the table. Continued on next event.
  • Statue of Liberty Revealed in New York Continued

    Statue of Liberty Revealed in New York Continued
    It was very dangerous for me to be out on the streets at night because of gangs. On the bright side though, the Statue of Liberty just arrived here and my brother is going to help build it. He will also be paid a lot because it was not an easy task. Things were starting to look better every day.
  • Statue of Liberty Revealed

    Statue of Liberty Revealed
    More About the Opening of the Statue of LibertyAfter a year of construction, the Statue of Liberty was finally completed and my brother was paid with a huge check for helping. With the money, we were able to buy a bigger apartment closer to the city where my father helped build subways. I found another bakery to work at with my mother. With all of this new income, we always have a hot meal on the table. I have made new friends too. I really enjoy living in the city.
  • Blizzard of 1888

    Blizzard of 1888
    More About the Blizzard of 1888For the past few days I have been stuck inside because a huge snowstorm had hit NY. The first day it was nonstop rain. The rain then turned to snow that fell WITH 80 mph winds. For four days now, we have been rationing our food since it is too dangerous to go outside to find a store that is open. At the end of the storm, we had received 2-5 feet of snow and in some places there were drifts up to 30 feet deep. 200 people died in NY alone. It is going to take a long time to fix all the damages.
  • First Subway System Opened in NYC

    First Subway System Opened in NYC
    I was so excited today. The subway was finally opening and I have one on the first trains to Times Square. I was applying for a job as a journalist. I had 7 interviews in one day until the New York Times newspaper hired me. I would be paid a fair amount of money and I get to do what I love every day, write. The subway is a huge convenience for me because I could still live at home with my family but it would not take me long to go to work. I am so happy that I came to America in the first place.