
The History of Sudan

  • revolt gainst turco egyptian rule

    revolt gainst turco egyptian rule
    this picture show that people are against the rule
  • Period: to

    sudan history events

  • sudan is against joint british egyptian rule

    sudan is against joint british egyptian rule
    this shows that the people gainindependence from the rule..
  • sudan is under joint british egyptian rule

    sudan is under joint british egyptian rule
    this show they are under the rule...
  • civil war begins in the south led by the ahya movement

    civil war begins in the south led by the ahya movement
    shows they are in war
  • the october revolution overthrows abbud and an islamist-led government is established

    the october revolution overthrows abbud and an islamist-led government is established
    this shows the october revolution is overthrows
  • Jaafar, Numeriri leads the ''may military'' group

    Jaafar, Numeriri leads the ''may military'' group
  • president Nameri declares the introduction of Sharia Islamic law

  • Bashir was appointed president

    Bashir was appointed president
    this the president
  • bashir was re-elected for a five year term as president

    bashir was re-elected for a five year term as president
    this is the president
  • Al- Turabimas freed

    Al- Turabimas freed
    shows that he telling the speech