

  • FPC

    1. My boyfriend and i will have been talking for more than 3 hours on the cellphone at night.
    2. I will have been waiting for my mother for 1 hour to go to the supermarket.
  • FC

    1. I think, it will be raining all this week.
    2. At this time next year, i will be in 9 semester of my career.
  • PC

    1. My family are coming tonight to celebrate my brother birthday.
    2. I am going to visit my favorite uncle next week.
  • PS

    1. My bus leaves at 6 in the afternoon next saturday to my visit my grandfather.
  • FPS

    1. Before the week is over, i will have finished the final stadistics workshop.
    2. By next Tuesday i will have written the summary of the work of Gabriel Garcia Marquez for the literature class.
  • G

    1. My best friend is going to get married with her boyfriend the 20 of december.
    2. I am going to study to be a teacher.
  • W

    1. I will travel by car with my friends and my boyfriend to Cartagena the next year. 2.I will finish my professional career in July 2022.