the great peninsular kingdom

  • 1212

    battle of las Navas de Tolosa

    The coalition of the Christian kingdoms won the battle of las Navas de Tolosa.
  • Period: 1217 to 1252

    Ferdinand III

    Built the cathedrals of Buegos and Leon and Toledo reconquered the Sevilla, jaen and Cordoba.
  • 1230

    defenitive union of Castile and León

    The union of Castile and León,Ferdinand III conquered the Guadalquivir Valley and Alfonso X reached Huelva and Cádiz.
  • 1244

    Ferdinand III ocupies Jaén Treaty of Almizra

    Alfonso X of Castile and James I of Aragón signed the Treaty of Almizra, which meant that Murcia remained part of Castile.
  • Period: 1252 to 1284

    Alfonso X

    Reconquered against the Muslims and ocupied Jeréz
  • 1262

    Alfonso X conquers Niebla

    At the end of the 13th century, the Marinid Kingdom in North Africa went to the aid of Granada that last Muslim kingdom on the Peninsula, to reging Gibraltar.
  • 1273

    Foundation of the Meseta

    James I the Conqueror, gave up the territory and focused on the Mediterranen and the south.
  • Period: 1284 to 1295

    Sancho IV

    Conquered the city of Tarifa
  • Period: 1295 to 1312

    Ferdinand IV

    He conquered Gibraltar
  • Period: 1312 to 1350

    Alfonso XI

    Conqured Algeciras
  • 1340

    Battle of Salado

    Alfonso XI of Castile defeated the Muslim armies in the Battle of Río Salado
  • 1344

    Alfonso XI occupies Algeciras

    The crisis in the 14th century stopped the expansion of the Christian kingdoms
  • Period: 1350 to 1369

    Peter I

    Conquered Gibraltar and started a war against the muslims
  • 1369

    Beginning of Trastámara dynasty in the Crown of Castile

    Henrry of trastamara, the king´s illigetimate brother promised the nobles he would expand their privileges if they helped him remove Peter I for the throne, and a violent civil war began.
  • Period: 1369 to 1379

    HenryII of Trastámara

    Enrique II of Castile called the patricida was the king of Castile
  • Period: 1379 to 1390

    John I

    His wife was called Juana. Last monarch to have a formal coronation.
  • Period: 1390 to 1406

    Henry III

    Son of John I and Eleanor of Aragon. Then he was king of Castile
  • Period: 1406 to 1454

    John II

    Son of Henry III and wife Catherine of Landcaster.
  • Period: 1454 to 1474

    Henry IV

    Nobles incrased the nation and power became less centralised. He was the last king of Castile.
  • Period: 1474 to 1504

    Isabella I

    Wife of Ferdinand II of Aragon. She became the basis for the political unification of Spain.
  • 1475

    Civil war in Castile

    This war resulted from the death of Henry IV. Henry´s sister, Isabella, challeng Henry´s daugther, Joanna la Beltraneja, from the throne. Joanna had to support of some of the high nobility.
  • Period: 1475 to 1479

    Civil war in Castile

    This conflic was between the suporters of Juana the Trastamara to the suporters of Isabel.
  • Period: 1482 to 1492

    War of Granada

    Queen Elisabeth I of Castile and her Husband Ferdinand II of Aragon culminated in the capitulations of Granada of the king Boabdil.
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada

    The kings of Spain reconquered Granada 1st January 1492. The monarch Boabdil el chico gave the keys.