The French Revolution TImeline

By cooltia
  • Economic Troubles

    France's once prosperous economy was in decline. This caused alarm, particularly the merchants, factory owners, and bankers.
  • The Bank won't fund the King

    Bankers refused to lend the government more money, Louis faced serious problems. The reason for that is because of the extrsvagant spending of the King and Queen.
  • The Establishment of the National Assembly

    On the 17th of June 1789, they voted to establish the National Assembly, in effect proclaiming the end of absolute monarchy.
  • Parisian Women Riot over Bread Prices

    In the October of 1789, thousands of women rioted over the rising prices of bread. Brandishing knives, axis, and other weapons, the woman marched on Versailles.
  • Rights of a Man

    The National Assembly adopted a statement of revolutionary ideals, the Declaration of the rights of a Man and Citizen.
  • The Failed Escape

    The royal family tried to escape to the Austrian Netherlands. As they neared the border they were apprehended and returnedd to Paris underguards.
  • A Limited Monarchy

    The National Assembly completed the constitution, which King Louis reluctantly approved. The constitution created a limited constitutional monarchy. It stripped the king of much of his authourity.
  • A State Controlled Church

    Many of the National Assembly's early reforms focused on the church. The assembly took over the church lands and declared that church officials and priests were to be elected and payed as state officals.