The French Revolution Timeline

  • 1814 BCE

    The Battle of Waterloo

    The Battle of Waterloo
    The battle of Waterloo was the famous defeat of Napoleon. Napoleon was try to take over a Waterloo and was badly out numbered and so he had lost battle of water loo.
  • 1804 BCE

    Napoleon Crownig himself

    Napoleon Crownig himself
    Napoleon had took the crown from the pope and crowned himself emperor. To show that he was in control not the pope or anybody else
  • 1799 BCE

    Napoleons Coup D’ètat

    Napoleons Coup D’ètat
    It is a sudden seizure of power in a country. He wanted to rule a nation and the people trusted him and he had fought with the people .
  • 1793 BCE

    Reign of terror

    Reign of terror
    The reign of terror was when the guillotine was invented to execute prisoners and even king Louis the 16.The guillotine was created by Jospeh Guilltine and was made to make execution easier and more humane way.
  • 1789 BCE

    Storming the bastille

    Storming the bastille
    A mob swarms the and takes the Bastille, because the were tried of the kings rule over them and took over the bastille. An end federal privileges
  • 1789 BCE

    Declaration of rights of men

    Declaration of rights of men
    The declaration of rights of men was the sovereignty (rule) of the people. The citizens wanted to create a constitution so that the king would have all this power and so that the could have more freedoms and add there opinions on certain topics.
  • 1789 BCE

    Tennis court oath

    Tennis court oath
    The tennis court oath was when the people wouldn’t leave until they could create a constitution. They would not leave the kings castle until they got what they had wanted new laws.
  • 1789 BCE

    Executive of the king and queen

    Executive of the king and queen
    When the king was convicted of treason and was behead. The king was trying to fleeing but had got caught and was executed treason.