French rev.

The French Revolution- Evan West

  • Bad Harvests

    Bad Harvests
    (1787- 1788)
    Caused an uprising due to food shortages, inflation, and starvation.
  • Louis XVI called metting of Estates

    Louis XVI called metting of Estates
    The third estate had the most representatives, with almost 600, wanted to set up a constitutional government. However, the other two estates over ruled them with thier power.
  • Third estate declared National Assembly

    Third estate declared National Assembly
    The National Assembly decides to draft a constitution for the government.
  • National Assembly made Tennis Court Oath

    National Assembly made Tennis Court Oath
    The National Assembly declared they would draft a constitution no matter what it took.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    One of the first rebel attacks in France, and also allowed the rebels to obtain gun powder to fight back with.
  • Privileges of Nobels and Clergy are abolished

    Privileges of Nobels and Clergy are abolished
    This gave the third estate more power, and this also angered the first and second estates greatly.
  • National Assembly adopted Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen

    National Assembly adopted Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen
    This explained the basic liberties that every person had no matter what estate they were apart of.
  • New Constitution was set up

    New Constitution was set up
    The new constitution limited the monarchy powers, and gave people the right to vote. It espablished the equality between everyone.
  • First meeting of National Convention

    First meeting of National Convention
    The monarchy was abolished, adn the French Republic was made.
  • Committe of Public Safety controls the government

    Committe of Public Safety controls the government
    (1793- 1794)
    They adopted policies that became the Reign of Terror. This caused roughly 40,000 people to die.
  • Society for Revolutionary Republican Women founded

    Society for Revolutionary Republican Women founded
    Moen normally stayed out of politics and the military. However, this led to many republican movements.
  • Louis XVI was beheaded

    Louis XVI was beheaded
    Pushed the revolution into a new radical phase
  • The law of 22 Prairial was passed

    The law of 22 Prairial was passed
    (June 1794)
    This law gave Robespierre power to arrest and esecute anyone he wanted too.
  • The Directory became known for its corruption

    The Directory became known for its corruption
    (1795- 1799)
    One of the major reasons France began to decline again.
  • Napoleon's Coup d'etat

    Napoleon's Coup d'etat
    Napoleon overthrew the government and took control of France for many years.