Eugène delacroix   la liberté guidant le peuple

The French Revolution

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    Ancien Régime

    The Ancien Régime was the old political system in France, involving an absolute monarchy, an aristocracy, and a clergy from approximately the 15th century til the late 18th century. It starts to fall with the creation of the National Assembly on the 13th of June, 1789.
  • The National Assembly is formed!

    The National Assembly is formed!
    The National Assembly is formed by representatives of the Third Estate after frustrations with the First and Second Estate due to the power and influence they wield over the Estates-General.
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    Fall of the Monarchy

    The fall of monarchy in France starts with the creation of the National Assembly by the Third Estates. This also signals the beginning of the French Revolution, with an organized group actively defying the king. As constitutional monarchy is established, more and more people wish for a republic instead, and with the execution of the king and the abolition of monarchy, the fall of monarchy is complete on the 21st of September, 1792.
  • The Tennis Court Oath is made!

    The Tennis Court Oath is made!
    The National Assembly swears "not to separate, and to reassemble wherever circumstances require, until the constitution of the kingdom is established" inside a tennis court after finding that the Estates-General meeting room is locked.
  • Storming of the Bastille!

    Storming of the Bastille!
    The Bastille in Paris, seen as a symbol of the tyrannical monarchy, is stormed by the commoners. They free the prisoners and get weapons and ammunition. The rebellion begins.
  • Abolition of Feudalism!

    Abolition of Feudalism!
    The National Assembly declares that "The National Assembly abolishes the feudal system entirely." It abolished both the seigneurial rights of the Second Estate (the nobility) and the tithes gathered by the First Estate (the Catholic clergy).
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
    The National Assembly publishes the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", which states the natural rights of every human being in France. A landmark of human rights and a fundamental document in the French Revolution.
  • Women's March on Versailles!

    Women's March on Versailles!
    Revolutionaries wanting liberal reforms and a constitutional monarchy and women rioting over food shortages march to Versailles, the palace of King Louis XVI. They demand him and his family to move to Paris, and this ended his own independence.
  • The Civil Constitution of the Clergy!

    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy!
    The Civil Constitution of the Clergy is passed, a law that essentially weakens the power of the Roman Catholic Church and gave it to the French government, through confiscating their lands, destroying monastic orders, abolishing tithes, etc.
  • Flight to Varennes!

    Flight to Varennes!
    King Louis XVI and his family try to escape Paris in order to try to create a counter-evolution, but are caught at Varennes. This turns public opinion hostile to the monarchy even further. The family are arrested and confined to the Tuileries Palace.
  • French Constitution of 1791

    French Constitution of 1791
    The first written constitution in France, it was created for and after the change from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. The Legislative Assembly, successor of the National Assembly, is formed for it. Under the laws of the constitutional monarchy, the king is required to share power with the Legislative Assembly. The Jacobins and the Girondists both have seats in it. However, it was short lived as France quickly turned from a constitutional monarchy to a republic.
  • France Declares War on Austria!

    France Declares War on Austria!
    France declares war on Austria, who have joined a coalition with Prussia, Great Britain and the Holy Roman Empire. This is the beginning of the War of the First Coalition. It ends on the 18th of October, 1797 with a French victory. The Treaty of Campo Formio meant the end of the First Coalition, the seceding of territories of Austrian territories to the French, and the rising prominence of Napoleon Bonaparte, a French general.
  • The Journée of the 10th of August!

    The Journée of the 10th of August!
    Revolutionaries assail the Tuileries Palace and massacre the Swiss Guards who were assigned for the protection of the king. The royal family is taken prisoner.
  • The September Massacres!

    The September Massacres!
    The September Massacres were a wave of killings of Paris that lasted for 5 days. Due to the fear of invasion and of prisoners revolting, people like Jean-Paul Marat called on people to pre-emptively kill the prisoners before they revolted. By September the 6th, half the prison population of Paris had been executed.
  • The French First Republic!

    The French First Republic!
    The National Convention becomes the de facto government of France, and and declares the French First Republic, marking the beginning of Year One of the French Republican Calender. The National Convention has proclaimed that the Monarchy has been abolished completely.
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    The First French Republic

    The First French Republic starts with the abolition of the monarchy and the declaration of the First French Republic by the National Convention. It starts its decline with the Coup of 18 Brumaire and the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, until he declares himself Emperor on the 18th of May, 1804.
  • Execution of Louis XVI, King of France!

    Execution of Louis XVI, King of France!
    King Louis XVI is executed via guilty after being founded guilty of high treason against France. This marks the end of the monarchy in France.
  • The War in the Vendée Begins!

    The War in the Vendée Begins!
    Peasants from the Vendée region of France rise up in rebellion against the revolutionary government of France, angry at military conscription and the changes imposed on the Catholic Church. It ends on the 30th of March, 1796.
  • The Committee of Public Safety is formally created!

    The Committee of Public Safety is formally created!
    The Committee of Public Safety is created, becoming the de facto executive government of France during the Reign of Terror. The radical Jacobites defeat the moderates Garondists.
  • Jean-Paul Marat is Assassinated!

    Jean-Paul Marat is Assassinated!
    Jean-Paul Marat started his own newspaper, the "L'Ami du peuple" or "Friend of the People" in the 12th of September, 1789, and becomes one of the most radical voices of the revolution. His journalism becomes famous due to his fierce tone and revolutionary fervour. Jean-Paul Marat is assassinated by Charlotte Corday, a Girondist sympathiser. Jean-Paul Marat becomes a revolutionary martyr for the Jacobins.
  • The Reign of Terror Begins!

    The Reign of Terror Begins!
    The Committee on Public Safety declares the Reign of Terror to begin, executing tens of thousands of people under suspicion of conspiracy and treason.
  • Thermidorian Reaction!

    Thermidorian Reaction!
    The Thermidorian Reaction occurs, a revolt against the leadership of the Jacobins in the Committee of Public Safety. The National Convention vote to execute Maximilien Robespierre and Louis Antoine de Saint-Just. This marks the end of the most radical phase.
  • Execution of Maximilien Robespierre!

    Execution of Maximilien Robespierre!
    Maximilien Robespierre is executed via guillotine, marking the end of the Reign of Terror.
  • The French Directory is created!

    The French Directory is created!
    The French Directory is created, a collective leadership of five directors. They prove to be an ineffective and dictatorial leadership.
  • Coup of 18 Brumaire!

    Coup of 18 Brumaire!
    The Coup of 18 Brumaire saw Napoleon Bonaparte rise to First Consul, overthowing the Directory, and replacing it with the French Consulate. The rise of Napoleon marks the end of the French Revolution.