French Revolution Timeline Assignment

  • Population Growth

    Population Growth
    The Population grew as more people began to understand how diseases travelled, and the bubonic plage subsided.
    Economic Factor- The lower class was too poor to handle increases as much as double in the cost of food due to shortages. This hard life created anger in the lower class and a feeling of mistreatment which would lead to them wanting a change.
    Social Factor- The middle and uper class were not affected neirly as bad as the lower class, again this lead to feelings of unfair treatment.
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    This war was fought between France and Britain over their North American colonies, it was fought under King Louis XIV 's rule. After seven hard years of fighting in 1763 Britain won, France went bankrupt from the expense of war. This war had huge economic effects, banrupcy ment The lower and middle class in france would suffer. The lower class was taxed huge amounts to support the government but this left them very little money for food and shelter.
  • Period: to

    Seven Years War

  • Why the Seven Years' War Lead to the Revolution

    Why the Seven Years' War Lead to the Revolution
    Economic Factor- The bankrupt France used the lower class to sustain themselves but this left the lower class with not enough money to live healthy lives.
    Political Factor- The governments choice to enter the war put them in this situation and now that they are bankrupt their choice to taxe the lower class will hurt them in the future because the lower class is getting angry.
  • Philisophes

    Philisophes like Voltaire and Rousseau drove the age of enlightenment and encouraged self-determination, liberty, equality and thinking for yourself.
    Historical Factor- This was a major change in how people thought, more people started doubting the government.
    Social factor- Not only did they doubt the government they started to see the faults in their class system and the idea of equality grew, which was a major part of the revolution.
  • Louis XVI Became King

    Louis XVI Became King
    Loius married Marie Antoinette and became king at a very young age when he was not capable of ruling. He wasn't good at making decisions but wouldn't give up power. This created a disrespect of the monarchy.
    Historical factor- This was a big change from the previous king and changed the peoples' loyalties to thecrown.
    Political factor- The lack of respect for the monarchy would lead to the revolution and abolishment of it.
  • Lavish Lifestyle

    Lavish Lifestyle
    The Queen and king of France lived a lavish lifestyle. The queen has always purchasing the latest fashion items and jewlery. They also spent way beyond their means (considering frances' bankrupcy) on ceremonies and food.
    Political factor- this irresponsible behavior lost the citizens respect especially the lower class because they were paying high taxes and barely getting by but the king and queen were wasting. More disrespect leads contributes to the future revolution
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    King louis decided to aid the americans in their war on indapendence to redeme themselves from their loss against Britain in the 7 years war. France went bankrupt because of their financial support.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • The Cold Winter

    The Cold Winter
    An abnormally cold winter lead to floods in the spring and drought in the summer.
    Geographic factor- The weather caused this shortage of food and raise in prices
    Economic factor- The price of a loaf of bread at some times doubled equaling one month's salary for the lower class
    Social factor- This Had an effect mainly on the lower class because they could barely afford one loaf but still had to pay taxes, they saw this as unfair and unequal.
  • Why It lead to the Revolution

    Why It lead to the Revolution
    Historical factor- This event affected france because of the previous seven years war.
    Political Factor- King louis didn't need to involve his country in the american revolution but he did it purley for revenge and end up hurting his country.
    Economic factor- This war bankrupt france and again this hurt the lower class, all of these mistreatment of the lower class accompanied with the enlightenment would make the lower class think about change, about a revolution.
  • Start of The Revolution

    Start of The Revolution
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The lower class after asking for change and being ignored got together and formed the national assembly.
    Historical factor- Was the beginning of the revolution.
    Political factor- They vowed that they wouldn't stop until they had a new fair constitution through the national assembly
    Social factor- It was a stepping stone for a change in the way society was organized even though they acheive mainly paper victories that were not acted on.
  • Storm of the Bastille

    Storm of the Bastille
    The lower class needed gun powder to fight the revolution so they attacked the bastille (Prison), relesed the prisoners and tore it to the ground
    Historical factor- it became a symbol of the revolution.
    Social factor- It was the third estate's way of showing they were serious and was just another step in the revolution.
  • The Declaration of The Rights of Man and the Citizen

    The Declaration of The Rights of Man and the Citizen
    A constitution created stating that all men are equal.
    Historical factor- changed everything about frances social system
    Political factor- It stated that the country was to be run by the people and not the king
    Social factor- By stating that all men are equal it abolished the social system of the three estates.this was a major step towards acheiving the what the revolutionaries wanted.
  • Jean Paul Marat

    Jean Paul Marat
    Marat created and published a newspaper called friend of the people in Paris, he was for the revolution and Promoted hatred to the monarchy, he wanted the system to be abolished.
    Historical factor- His newspaper encouraged hatred, that was one of the causes of the violence during the revolution, however without this violence the revolution wouldn't have been successful.
    Political Factor- He wanted the political system of the monarchy to be replaced, and his newspaper spread this message.
  • The Royal Family Flees to Austria

    The Royal Family Flees to Austria
    Louis and his family fled France to get help from austian relatives. They were caught before they reached the border and taken back to Paris where they were imprisoned.
    Historical factor- The citizens felt betrayed this was the end of the peoples loyalties to the crown.
    Political factor- Louis would be tried for his betrayal and they would decide whether he would still be king.
  • France Declares War on Austria

    France Declares War on Austria
    European countries wanted to stop the revolution from spreading and french citizens wanted to stop other countires from helping the french monarchy.
    Historical factor- The citizens of france all had a role to play in the war, this collective purpose created a sense of a nation and still does.
    Political factor- The other european countries were trying to avoid a revolution that would change their political system.
    Economic factor- France exhausted their resources fighting war.
  • The Duke of Brunswick's Manifesto

    The Duke of Brunswick's Manifesto
    The Duke wrote that he would defend the king and there would be consequences for the mistreatment of the king. The citizens attacked the prison where louis was held in spite of the duke.
    Historical factor- This event united the people because they banned together, it contributed to the forming of a nation.
    Political factor- The citizens removed louis title as King of france and was considered to be a normal citizen. This was the end of the political system of a monarchy.
  • The September Massacre

    The September Massacre
    As European armies approached Paris the citizens feared they would release the anti-revolutionaries from prison. To stop this from happening they killed hundreds of prisoners.
    Historical factor- This was a major event in the revolution because for one it really showed that the revolution was against the catholic church because so many figures in the church were killed. Also it was another way to show that the revolutionaries were serious and scare the people into joining the movement.
  • Period: to

    The Reign of Terror

    The rights of French citizens were removed, this was done to scare people into joining the revolution.
    Historical factor- It was believed that no changes would occur if Violence or terror was not used to back it. Hundreds were killed during this time for not enthusiastically supporting the revolution, this was awful but the major steps made towards a democracy during the revolution might not have happened without it.
  • The Death of Robespierre

    The Death of Robespierre
    He was the head of the comitee of public safety, he encouraged violence to create a republic of virtue. He was the one who removed french citizen's rights which began the reign of terror.
    Historical factor- His death ended the Reign of terror and ended ultra-nationalism.
    Political factor- Once he was gone there was no longer a dictatorship. Creating nationalism through a democracy that involved all the citizens of france and united them.