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The French Revolution

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    The Revolution and its causes The Results

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    The causes of the Revolution

    There were sveral causes of the revolution, most of it being the luxury living of the of the 3 percent
  • Droughts

    Up untill the revolution France had severe droughts cause=ing bread shortages for the common people. They would have to fight over a loaf of bread because a months salary got them a loaf of bread. This urged people to start the revolution. For the king was in versailles eating like a king while the rest starved. Leading to the bread march.
    source: My Notes
  • The National Assembly

    The National Assembly
    The national assembly is created at a tennis court by the third estate because they were kicked out of the meetings in paris. They met here every day.
    Source notes
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The tennis court oath was one pledged by every member of the national assembly. They all agreed to meet at a tennis court nearby versailles wich was the original meeting place of the three estates generals after being kicked out of they're meetings.
  • The Storming of The Bastille

    The Storming of The Bastille
    on july 14, 1789, The french revolutionaries stormed The Bastille a well fortified prison, in search of gunpowder. They did this successfully. As they marched on it the commanding officer surrendered. The officer was then paraded in the streets and beaten by the french men and women. Then he was stabbed to death by the bayonets of their muskets.
  • The Declaration Of The Rights Of Man

    The Declaration Of The Rights Of Man
    In the August of 1789, the national assembly of france worked on the Declaration of the rights of man. This document was influenced and inspired by Thomas Jeffersons writing of the declaration of independence.
  • The Bread March

    The Bread March
    The morning of october 5, 1789, the women were furious of the high price and scarcity of bread. So the women marched on versailles, which is where king Louis XVI, and his wife and queen Mary Antoinette lived. They cut off the few gaurds heads that were there and stuck spears through them. When they captured the king and queen they were put in a carriage and paraded through the streets with the gaurds heads on pikes. They raided versailles pantry giving them more food. source: notes.
  • The Great Escape

    The Great Escape
    June of 1791, The royal family of france had been under house arrest for 2 years in they're palace, in paris. The national assembly kept forcing the king to sign more and more laws taking his power. One night the royal family planned an escape. They got in they're royal carriage and headed for austria. But were caught and the king was executed. source: notes
  • The Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror
    September 5, 1793- july 28, 1794, was the Reign of terror or great terror. During this period the french revolution called for the blood of thousands of people were beheaded by the guillotine, also known as the national blade. Among these people king Louis XVI and his wife Mary Antionette were beheaded for attempting an escape from they're house arrest in paris. Source: my history notes and
  • The Beheading of Mary Antoinette

    The Beheading of Mary Antoinette
    Nine months After King Louis the 16 was executed Mary Antoinette who was his wife followed and was beheaded by the french revolutionaries. Her children weren't directly executed but they were neglected untill theey died.
    Source: and
  • Maximilion de Robespierre's execution

     Maximilion de Robespierre's execution
    On july 17, 1794, Maximilion Robespierre is executed following his attempted suicide. He the day before he tried to shoot himself. He hit his jaw and removed part of his face but he survived untill the execution the day after, by the very blade that he himself had invented. Thus ending the reign of terror.
    source : note and
  • Napoleon Forms Million Man Army

    Napoleon Forms Million Man Army
    Napoleon Bonaparte raises a million man army and leads them to taking over most of Europe. Whenever he took over a country he would leave one of his family members in charge. They would lead with the ideas of the revolution and the enlightenment. They took over Egypt, spain, portugal, Holy Roman Empire, Prussia, Austrian empire, Italian States, and German States.
    Source: notes picture:
  • Napoleonic Code

    Napoleonic Code
    After Napoleon and his million man army had taken control of france. Napoleon appointed members of his ancestry to take over the government and rule using his napoleonic code. His code included ideas from the frnch revolution and the enlightenment.
    source: notes and section 5.1
  • Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Power

    Napoleon Bonaparte Takes Power
    By 1799 Napoleon Bonaparte had taken over the power in france making him dictator of france. During the revolution he had rised above the ranks in the military and was considered the greatest leader in history.
    source: info: my notes
  • Napoleon Invades Russia/Moscow

    Napoleon Invades Russia/Moscow
    On june 23, 1812, despite having the odds of invading Moscow against him napoleon bonaparte began an invasion with more than 450,000 men and marched to moscow. Many die from the harsh weather.
    Sourece notes and 3.2.6
  • Napoleons Battle in Moscow

    Napoleons Battle in Moscow
    With 44,000 russians and 35,000 frenchmen dead many daepicted this as the bloodiest battle in russian history
    Source: 3.2.6