
The French Revolution

  • Period: to

    Moderate: 1789-1792

    Start of the French revolution
  • Estates General Meets

  • National Assembly Formed

    National Assembly Formed
  • Citizens Storm the Bastille

    Citizens Storm the Bastille
  • Period: to

    France Becomes a Republic

  • Period: to

    Great Fear Sweeps France

  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    Declaration of the Rights of Man
  • Third Constitution is Adopted

    Third Constitution is Adopted
  • Poor Women of Paris March on Versaillles

  • Royal Family Confined to Tuileries

  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy is Adopted

  • Royal Family Attempts to Flee France

  • Constitution Creates a Limited Monarchy

  • Louis XVI Beheaded

  • Period: to

    The Radical Phase 1792-1794

  • Period: to

    Radical: 1792-1794

    Starts the new age for justice and equality.
  • Paris Mob Invades Tuileries Palace

  • Committy of Public Safety is Created

    Committy of Public Safety is Created
  • Period: to

    Reign of Terror

  • Marie Antoinette is Beheaded

  • Robespierre is Beheaded

  • Period: to

    Reaction: 1795-1799

    Started a 5 man Directory and a two-house legislature.
  • Directory Takes Power

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Invades Egypt

  • Period: to

    Age of Napoleon: 1799-1815

    Napoleon was a military genius who led the French to victory.
  • Napoleon becomes 1st Consul

    Napoleon becomes 1st Consul
  • Concordat with the Catholic Church

    Concordat with the Catholic Church
  • Napoleon Named Consul for Life

    Napoleon Named Consul for Life
  • Napoleonic Code Adopted

  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor

  • Battle of Trafalgar

  • Battle of Austerlitz

    Battle of Austerlitz
  • Period: to

    Napoleon Invades Spain

  • Period: to

    Napoleon Invades Russia

  • Battle of Leipzig

  • Napoleon is Exiled to Elba

    Napoleon is Exiled to Elba
  • Napoleon Abdicates the Throne and Louis XVIII Takes the Throne

  • Naooleon Returns from Elba

  • Battle of Waterloo

  • Napoleon Exiled to St. Helena

  • Napoleon Dies