French revo v2

The French Revolution

  • Louis XVI calls upon the Estates General

    Louis XVI calls upon the Estates General due to the political and France's poor financial situation, So he hit them up after 175 years and try to talk things out. Spoiler Warning: It didn't go so well.
  • Louis XVI locked out the Third Estate

    As the name suggests, when the Third Estate demanded for more power in the government because they made about 97% of the population. He locked them out of the meeting.
  • The Third Estate Meet at Versailles

    After hearing that they're gonna be taxed to high hell, the commoners decided to meet at some tennis court because they just had about enough of the Louis XVI shenanigans.
  • The Tennis Court Oath takes place

    Once they got inside the tennis court, the Third Estate made an oath to each other to never separate until a written document has been established for France.
  • Louis XIV calls for National Assembly

    Louis XIV ordered for the three estates to meet together as the National Assembly and vote by population on a constitution for France.
  • Storming the Bastille

    The French peasants were looking for some gunpowder, so they took over the Bastille and killed the guy in charge, put his head on a pike and tore that place by hand.
  • The Arrest of Louis XVI

    On the night where Louis and Marie Antoinette fled to Austria, they were promptly brought back due to a mob of Parisian working class caught them and forced them back.