The French Revolution

  • The Tennis Court Oath

    The Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was a pivotal event during the first days of the French Revolution. The Oath was a pledge signed by 576 of the 577 members from the Third Estate who were locked out of a meeting of the Estates-General. They refused to leave the tennis court of the king until they got a newly written constitution.
  • Storming of Bastille

    Storming of Bastille
    The people belived that the king was going to use force as power and attack. The people stormed the bastille for the ten or so prisoners and all the weapons and arms that the bastille had stored. they also got the symbol of the great terror, the guiotine.
  • Robespierre Comes to Power

    Robespierre Comes to Power
    Robespierre was a lawyer and politician who quickly rose to leadership on the commitee of public safety. He had a selfless dedication to the revolution that earned him the nickname, "the incorrutible". His enemies called him a tyrant. He embraced Rousseau's idea of general will as the source of all ligitimate law. He also promoted religious tolerance and wanted to abolish slavery.
  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    Declaration of Rights of Man
    The Declaration of Rights of Man was the first step in creating a new constitiution for the revolution. Much of the document was founded on the American Declaration of Independence. According to the new declaration it declared that, "all men were born and remain free and equal in rights". It also proclaimed tht all male citizens were equal before the law.
  • Attack on Prisons

    Attack on Prisons
    There was mass slaughter in all of the paris prisons. The revolutionaries did not leave a single traitor behind. They raped women and even disembpwed priests. These events were also known as the september massacres.
  • Women March to Versailles

    Women March to Versailles
    About 6,000 women areched thirteen ,iles from paris to versailles shouting "bread!".They demanded to see the king. Much of the anger was towardsthe queen from austria. they refused to leave versailles until the king and queen left to paris due to their extravagent spending and the suffering of the people.
  • King Louis Trial

    King Louis Trial
    The Radicals had taken over the National Convetion and had decided to arrest the King. they charged him for being a traitor of the revoltuion and france itself. he was charged guilty and was executed via guiotine.
  • The Terror

    The Terror
    Robespierre thought that the only way to ensure the revolution was through terror. He also believed that this was the only way that france could be reuntined. The guiotine defines his reign of terror as he began hasty trials of those he believed resisted the revolutions. Over 300,000 people were arrested and !7,000 executed. The reign of terror lasted until 1794.