the french revolution

  • the enlightenment

    huma problems led to the age of reason know as the enlightenment period of time
  • monarchy

    knig louis XIV attempted to make french culture dominant in europe
  • Period: to

    asollutism and the french revolutionn

  • nepoleons

    nepoleon was born on this day
  • nepoleon

    he got his nickname for have same ears when he was beging made fun of because he spoke spanish not french
  • nepoleon

    nepoleon became the second lietenint of the french army
  • french revolution

    the french revolution was a course of events that lead up to king louis downfall
  • storming the bastille

    An angry mob stormed into the bastille and killed a commander they were after the weapons that were stored there and stole them all and took the commanders head as a truiphy
  • nepoleon

    he took part in a power struggle between forces supporting Pasquale Paoli
  • napoleon

    nepoleon takes power over france