The French Revolution

  • Bourbon monarchy

    When the Bourbon monarchy ended for the time being a new government was made.
  • Period: to

    National Assembly is in session making 1st constition

    When they are in the making of the first constiution the 3rd estate was locked out by the 1st and 2nd estates and after they were locked out they went to the tennis court and made the 1st constitution
  • Storming of Bastille

    This event happened because the commoners saves the National Assembly from louis the 16 from his forces by attacking the prison.
  • Period: to

    Duration of the National Convention

    This new consitution was established with a limited monarchy and the Legislative assembly makes the laws
  • Period: to

    Committee of Public safety conducts the Reign of Terror

    The Reign of Terror was conducted by Maximilien Robespierre, what he did was kill 30,000 people to protect them from there internal enemies and anyone who was against him or was one the kings side was exucuted.
  • Second constitution establishes the Directory government

    The Directory was lead under 5 Directors and was established as an executive authority under France's second Constitution.
  • Period: to

    Terms of the Directory government

    it was plagued with corruption and severe national economic problems
  • Napoleon conducts coup d' etat against directory government

    The Directory was overthrown by the coup d' etat and Nepoleon took control over the country